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Results 20261-20270 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been honourd with your favour of the 16th., and the several Inclosures contained therein, which are now return’d with my thanks for the oppertunity of perusing them. I also Inclose you a Letter from Lord Howe, sent out (with others) by a Flag in the Afternoon of yesterday. With it comes a Letter for Lieutt. Barrington, who if not among those who...
20262General Orders, 18 August 1776 (Washington Papers)
As nothing contributes so much to the good order and government of troops, as an exactness in discipline, & a strict observance of orders; and as the Army is now arranged into different divisions; those divisions formed into brigades, and the brigades composed of regiments; The General hopes and expects, that the several duties of the Army, will go on with regularity, chearfulness and...
Colonel Hands report, mentions no Uncommon movements of the Enemy. The General desires me to acquaint your Excellency that he finds himself considerably better this Morning than he was Yesterday, and is in hopes in a few days, to be able to go abroad, ’tho still very weak. I am with Respect Humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW .
I have been honourd with your favour of the 16th, and the several Inclosures contained therein, which are now return’d with my thanks for the oppertunity of perusing them —I also Inclose you a Letter from Lord Howe, sent out (with others) by a Flag in the Afternoon of yesterday. with it comes a Letter for Lieutt Barrington, who if not among those who broke their Parole, & went of for Canada,...
I have thought proper to communicate to you certain Intelligence which I have recieved from my Brother respecting Captain Grimes, whose Conduct (if I have been rightly informed) does not entitle him to that Place in your Esteem which he now holds, nor to that Confidence which you have thought proper to put in him. His leaving the Gally at Rode Island in the Time of the Attack, to take Convoy...
I have been honoured with your Favor of the 16th with Its Inclosure and am sorry It is not in my power to transmit Congress a Copy of the Treaty as they require, having sent It away with the Other papers that were in my Hands. The Resolution they have entered into respecting the Foreign Troops, I am persuaded would produce Salutary Effects, If It can be properly circulated among them. I fear...
Early this morning the Phoenix Man of War, Rose Frigate & the Two Tenders, came to Sail & stood down the River, keeping close under the East Shore, in order to avoid the Fire of our Cannon; but notwithstanding this Precaution, the Phoenix was thrice Hull’d by our Shot from Mount Washington, & one of the Tenders once—The Rose was Hull’d once by a Shot from Burdit Ferry—They kept their men...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Hugh Mercer, 18 Aug. 1776. In a letter to GW of 19 Aug. , Mercer refers to “your Excellencys Letter of yesterday.”
I have been honoured with your Letter of the 17th with the Resolution of your honourable Body for obstructing the Channel betwixt the Grand Battery and Nutten Island. Having gone into a considerable Expence for stopping that of the North River, and such as I am not certain I shall be justifyed in, and the Obstructions there being far from compleat, it will not be in my power to engage in the...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 13th Instant was Delivered me about nine Last Evening. I am very Confident that you have pursued Every measure in your power, to releave our wants in this Quarter, and to Facilitate the works going on to the Northward; we have people in every Quarter Attemping to procure the variety of Articles, that are wanted, but after all, We shall fall Considerably short,...