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Results 20251-20260 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the honor of enclosing a letter of the 10th, received from the Honble Aaron Hill of Boston, covering a copy of one dated the 3d (instead of the 2d,) from the British Captain Mounsey to the Selectmen of Camden, and of another of the 30th of October from Major General King, & also a letter & statement of the 4th from Colo Foot to Mr Hill, on the subject of the late events at Camden; all...
I have long wish’d to address you but have been deter’d, from a fear of being troublesome, I want to know what you think of the state of our Country at present, The disasters at Washington has been a mortifying and distressing event, but when I had Reason to think that it woud be productive of good in the end, by rousing the people from the torpid State which they were beguiled into, by the...
Feeling a little in the dumps, the why, or the wherefore I cannot tell, excepting a crick in my neck, & pain in my head, to cure all I take my pen to write you a few lines and inclose the , which Susan finished but has not had a conveyance for; so I send them by post and to make you laugh send you O an abominable wagish Letter I had almost said wicked, but then it made me laugh so, that I was...
The enclosed letter was written on the 30th. ult. I delayed sending it; for I clung to the lingering hope that we might escape the perdition that menaced us. But I now feel satisfied the hope is vain. We are gone past the power of redemption. No man ever laboured a cause with more solicitude & anxiety than I have done this one. Never were labours more unavailing. None of the human race,...
Mr Thomas White, son of William White, the Commissioner of Loans for the state of Pennsylvania, is desirous to receive a Military education, and for that purpose, wishes to be admitted into the Military Academy at West Point: Should it not interfere with Your arrangements, it will confer a particular favour on me, to have the young man’s wishes gratified; as he is Very deserving. With...
Your nephew is much better, but far from well: an obstinate feverish tendency still oppresses him: he is better here however than in Philadelphia, because with equally good advice, and more at ease. You were so good as to procure for me some books in France which I fancy are still at L’Orient. My Emporium is suspended, owing to the difficulties of the times, but I keep in view its...
The two Houses of the National Legislature having, by a joint Resolution expressed their desire, that in the present time of public calamity and war, a day may be recommended to be observed by the people of the United States as a day of Public Humiliation and Fasting, and of Prayer to Almighty God, for the safety and welfare of these States, his blessing on their arms, and a speedy restoration...
I have run through the Catalogue & find that the amount of Volumes if we include the Edinburg review will amo u nt to Say 6500 which agreeable to the Rule which I have laid down Viz for a folio ten dollars for a Quarto Six Dollars for an Octavo Three Dollars fo r a Duodecimo one Dollar. will Amount to a trifle over $24000 I have not Counted the Edinburg Review in the Number as the Number of...
Mr. William Willink (the father) of Amsterdam, with his Lady arrived here from England, the Evening before last—They have been upon a visit to one of their sons, who is settled at Liverpool, and after spending the Summer there, are now upon their return home—They dined with us yesterday, with Mr: and Mrs: Smith, and Mr: and Mrs: Meulemeester, and are to proceed this morning upon their journey....
You cannot think how much I was disappointed in your last last Letter when I open’d it I was in the full expectation of reading all the good news which we had recieved here at least 4 days before instead of which I found nothing but a melancholy detail of all the suffering and disgrace which had befallen us I hope you had heard the news more in detail when you dined with the Ministers and that...