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Results 20251-20280 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Colo: Hand has this Morning reported to the General that since Yesterday Evening four Vessels of War, one of them the Solbay have sailed from the Fleet at the Narrows—Two Brigs a Sloop and Schooner came in from Sea and the Man of War that lay off the Hook these two Days past came in—The Morning being very Thick he could discern nothing distinctly at the Hook but that late in the Evening of...
When I consider that the City of New York will in all human probability very soon be the scene of a bloody conflict: I can not but view the great Numbers of Women, Children & infirm persons remaining in It with the most melancholy concern—When the Men of War passed up the River the Shrieks & Cries of these poor creatures running every way with their Children was truly distressing & I fear will...
Mr Denning hath made the Convintion Acquainted with your Excellenceys Sentiments upon obstructing the Navigation of the East River between the Grand Battery and Governor’s Island. we now take the Liberty of inclosing the Copy of our Resolution for that purpose, which together with this Letter will be handed to your Excellency by the Gentleman of the Committee to whom we make no doubt Sir that...
I am directed to inform your Excellency that immediately upon the receipt of your favor of this morning respecting the Women, Children and Infirm persons remaining in the City of New York—The Convention appointed a Committee for the purpose of removeing and provideing for such persons—I inclose a Copy of the Resolves for that purpose and hope you will soon be releived from the Anxiety which...
I am favoured with yours of the 13th & 14th inst. and am pleased to find you have been successfull in procuring Cannon for the Defence of Hudsons River; also that there is such a good prospect of effectually securing the Pass at Fort Montgomery, the mention you make of General Clinton’s attention to that & other important Objects gives me great satisfaction, & confirms me in the opinion that...
My Letters to you are an odd Mixture. They would appear to a Stranger, like the Dish which is sometimes called Omnium Gatherum. This is the first Time, I believe that these two Words were ever put together in Writing. The litteral Interpretation of them, I take to be “A Collection of all Things.” But as I said before, the Words having never before been written, it is not possible to be very...
I had the Pleasure of a line from you, at Princetown, and Yesterdays Post brought me another from New York. I thank you for this Attention, and for the encouraging Account you give of the State of our Affairs at New York and Ti. The last is agreable to the Official Letters We have from General Gates who has at last Sent Us a general Return of the Army and Navy upon a more distinct, accurate...
It was with no small Degree of Pleasure, on my Return here, I observed the Cheerfulness which brightened the Countenance of every Soldier I met. The whole Army are in most excellent Spirits and shew an Impatience for Action. And the Spade and Pick Ax have been so well employ’d, that there is scarce a Spot upon the whole Island, where a Redoubt or Breast Work could be of service, but what has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A series of years hath pass’d since you were troubled with a letter from me. My neglect of writing to you has been from a supposition that (hitherto) your engagements could not have allowed you time to attend to the less important concerns of a branch of the family so farr remote from you, as I have ever been. I hope however, should you find leisure, you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Phenix and Rose have Just now passed our Batterys and I fear without much damage. I was in one of the Batterys during the whole time they were within gun shot. The visit they had two nights agoe from our fire ships made them sick of their Station and they have now Joind the fleet at the Narrows. Every countenance here is chearfull and if our Enemies...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been honourd with your favour of the 16th., and the several Inclosures contained therein, which are now return’d with my thanks for the oppertunity of perusing them. I also Inclose you a Letter from Lord Howe, sent out (with others) by a Flag in the Afternoon of yesterday. With it comes a Letter for Lieutt. Barrington, who if not among those who...
20262General Orders, 18 August 1776 (Washington Papers)
As nothing contributes so much to the good order and government of troops, as an exactness in discipline, & a strict observance of orders; and as the Army is now arranged into different divisions; those divisions formed into brigades, and the brigades composed of regiments; The General hopes and expects, that the several duties of the Army, will go on with regularity, chearfulness and...
Colonel Hands report, mentions no Uncommon movements of the Enemy. The General desires me to acquaint your Excellency that he finds himself considerably better this Morning than he was Yesterday, and is in hopes in a few days, to be able to go abroad, ’tho still very weak. I am with Respect Humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW .
I have been honourd with your favour of the 16th, and the several Inclosures contained therein, which are now return’d with my thanks for the oppertunity of perusing them —I also Inclose you a Letter from Lord Howe, sent out (with others) by a Flag in the Afternoon of yesterday. with it comes a Letter for Lieutt Barrington, who if not among those who broke their Parole, & went of for Canada,...
I have thought proper to communicate to you certain Intelligence which I have recieved from my Brother respecting Captain Grimes, whose Conduct (if I have been rightly informed) does not entitle him to that Place in your Esteem which he now holds, nor to that Confidence which you have thought proper to put in him. His leaving the Gally at Rode Island in the Time of the Attack, to take Convoy...
I have been honoured with your Favor of the 16th with Its Inclosure and am sorry It is not in my power to transmit Congress a Copy of the Treaty as they require, having sent It away with the Other papers that were in my Hands. The Resolution they have entered into respecting the Foreign Troops, I am persuaded would produce Salutary Effects, If It can be properly circulated among them. I fear...
Early this morning the Phoenix Man of War, Rose Frigate & the Two Tenders, came to Sail & stood down the River, keeping close under the East Shore, in order to avoid the Fire of our Cannon; but notwithstanding this Precaution, the Phoenix was thrice Hull’d by our Shot from Mount Washington, & one of the Tenders once—The Rose was Hull’d once by a Shot from Burdit Ferry—They kept their men...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Hugh Mercer, 18 Aug. 1776. In a letter to GW of 19 Aug. , Mercer refers to “your Excellencys Letter of yesterday.”
I have been honoured with your Letter of the 17th with the Resolution of your honourable Body for obstructing the Channel betwixt the Grand Battery and Nutten Island. Having gone into a considerable Expence for stopping that of the North River, and such as I am not certain I shall be justifyed in, and the Obstructions there being far from compleat, it will not be in my power to engage in the...
Your Excellency’s favor of the 13th Instant was Delivered me about nine Last Evening. I am very Confident that you have pursued Every measure in your power, to releave our wants in this Quarter, and to Facilitate the works going on to the Northward; we have people in every Quarter Attemping to procure the variety of Articles, that are wanted, but after all, We shall fall Considerably short,...
I have been duly honored with your favor of the 13th inst. and at the same time that I think you and your Honble Council of Safety highly deserving of the thanks of the States for the measures you have adopted in order to give the most early and speedy succour to this Army, give me leave to return you mine in a particular manner. When the whole of the reinforcements do arrive, I flatter myself...
20272[Monday August 19. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday August 19. 1776. Letters from General Washington referred to the Board of War. A Letter of the 14th. from Commodore Hopkins was read; whereupon Resolved That Commodore Hopkins be directed to repair to Rhode Island, and take the Command of the Fleet formerly put under his Care. Congress resumed the consideration of the Articles of War as revised by the Committee for that Purpose...
I set down to write you a few lines by the post, because I would not omit one opportunity. I received yours of August 6 but cannot tell what to do for you confined as I am here. I shall know what you would have me do by Mr. A when he returns. At present all my attention is taken up with the care of our Little Charles who has been very bad. The Symptoms rose to a burning fever, a stupifaction...
Philadelphia, 19 August 1776. Printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 3:447–449 . printed : ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 3:447–449 ).
I set down to give you Part of the Information you ask. The Brigade you mention are new Levies wholly from the Massachusetts Bay. They are posted at Greenwich on the North River about 2 Miles out of Town. What the Men are or how they look I can’t tell not having seen them. The Brigadier Mr. Fellows, was a Colonel in the Continental Service last Campaign, his Regiment was at Roxbury. He lives...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I recd. per Mr. Gerry a Packet from you containing a Russian Book on Comets, and Vattel’s Droit des Gens. The former agreable to your desire I have sent to Mr. Oliver at Salem together with your Billet. The latter when I have looked over it I shall send to the President of Harvard College as a Present to the Library from you. Dr. Cooper shewed me...
20277General Orders, 19 August 1776 (Washington Papers)
John Green of Capt: Johnsons Company and late Col. McDougall’s Regiment, convicted by a General Court Martial, whereof Col. Wyllys is President, of “breaking out of his quarter guard and being absent two days”—ordered to receive Thirty-nine Lashes. The General approves the sentence, and orders it to be executed at the usual time and place; and the prisoner to be then returned to his quarter...
While attending in the Boat on the 17th I was favoured with yours of that Date, and in Answer to those Points it seemd to allude to I coud then only return a verbal Message by Mr Tighlman which I flatter myself woud remove the Suspicions you entertained. As my first Motive for asking Lord Howes Permission to land at New York, was to give me an Opportunity of explaining myself to your...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene, 19 Aug. 1776. In a letter to Hancock of 20 Aug. , GW says that he received “a Letter from Genl Greene Yesterday Evening.”
I have Nothing of moment to communicate to Congress, as things are in the situation they were when I had last the Honor of addressing them. By a Letter from Genl Ward of the 12th, I find that Whetcombs Regiment on the 8th, and Phinneys on the 9th, Marched from Boston for Ticonderoga. Governor Trumbull also in a Letter of the 13th, Advises me that Wards Regiment in the service of the States was...