Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Ogilvie to Thomas Jefferson, November [1814]

From James Ogilvie

Richmond Novr

my dear Sir,

The young gentleman, Mr Colin Clark, who will present this letter was formerly a pupil of mine; his academical proficiency & good conduct, gave him a solid claim to my confidence & affection: of the sincerity of these sentiments I afford him an unequivocal evidence, by making him known to you.—

I can scarcely indulge the hope of seeing you again, but assuredly, wherever hereafter, my uncertain & romantic destiny may lead me & whatever may be the vicissitudes of that destiny, I never can retrace the hours I have spent in your society, or the happy days I have passed under your hospitable roof & in the circle1 of that family of love, with which you are surrounded, without sentiments of the most respectful & affectionate recollection.—

After my arrival in Britain, I will trouble you with a letter occasionally & few circumstances could afford me greater pleasure than to be instrumental in executing any command with which you may honor me, during my residence in London: with kindest & most respectful regards to all around you believe me to be,

my dear Sir yours truly

James Ogilvie

RC (MHi); partially dated; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 4 (reworked from 3) Dec. 1814. Recorded in SJL as an undated letter received 3 (reworked from 4) Dec. 1814.

1Word interlined in place of “bosom.”

Index Entries

  • Clarke, Colin; introduced to TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction to search
  • Monticello (TJ’s estate); Visitors to; Ogilvie, James search
  • Ogilvie, James; introduces C. Clarke search
  • Ogilvie, James; letters from search
  • Ogilvie, James; offers assistance to TJ search
  • Ogilvie, James; visits Monticello search