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Results 20161-20170 of 184,431 sorted by author
You being President of the board of War, I make bold to ask a favour of you. I have the care of all Military Stores under The Honble. General Ward, as you will se by my return of the 2d. Instant. My pay is not fixt, and I know of no better method to get it done than by making application to The Honble. board. I have not the Pleasure to be personaly acquainted with you, yet hope you’l excuse...
We the Subscribers your Humble Petitioners do most Graciously intreat your Excellency &c. But it gives us the Utmost trouble & Concern to think we must be under the disagreeable Necessity to trouble A Gentleman of so great Qualifications and ready Compliance to Justice and Honor but as the greatest Necessity and difficult and threatening distraction calls upon us at this Junctor we beg your...
I have the Honor of inclosing to Your Excellency the Abstract of Musters for the Month of December, accompanied by Inspection Returns of the several Regiments and Corps for the same Month, except of Hazens, and Sheldons, which were so detached as not to admit of any with tollerable Accuracy. As I have remarked every thing I saw worthy of Notice, in the several Regiments at the Foot of their...
I have the Honor to inclose to your Excellency the Abstracts of Muster of the northern Army for the Months of May and June inclusive, and for July—It was not in our power to execute the Business for the two former Months seperately and distinctly, or to have made a Return of them much sooner, on account of the deranged Condition of the Troops who were retained in Service at the Reduction in...
I have the Honor to inclose to your Excellency the Abstract of Musters of the Army for the Month of October, in going through which I have collected from the several Regiments and Corps a List of Men (which is also inclosed) who are actually unfit for the Duties of a Soldier; some of them merit the Attention of their Country, others are undeserving, and a Neusance to the Service, the whole are...
Agreeably to your Excellencys Orders to us directed, We have inspected the Horses of Colonel Sheldons Legion, and have discriminated as accurately as in our Power, between those, which in our opinion may be recruited and fitted for the Service by the Spring, and such as are broken down which we judged could not be raised at a less Expence than their Value—Those of the former Character, we have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous prie, Mon cher Maitre, d’accorder un moment d’audience a Monsieur henry Du Bois Negociant d’Amsterdam, qui a des choses tout a fait interessantes a vous communiquer, et que j’espere que vous ne serez pas faché de connoitre. J’ai l’honneur de vous souhaiter le bonjour et de vous renouveller les assurances de mon parfait attachement Addressed: A...
Printed in Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, ed., Œuvres de M. Franklin … (2 vols., Paris, 1773), I , 322–6. Moitié dormant, moitié éveillé, j’ai beaucoup rêvé la nuit derniere. Il faut vous dire sur quoi, et comment, afin que vous jugiez si ce sont des rêves, ou des rêveries; s’il faut s’y arrêter, ou les oublier. J’ai songé à la vie, à la mort; mais plus à celle-ci qu’à celle-là. Je recherchois ce qui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Dans le moment que je traçois cette première demie ligne on m’a annoncé une persone envoyée par M. Le Prince de Conti pour me demander si j’avois reçu la description et la figure que vous m’avez promise de votre cheminée, et me prier de lui en faire part aussitôt que je l’aurai. J’ai repondu que vous sauriez incessamment l’interêt que S.A.S. y prenoit et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Monsieur franklin est prié de se trouver lundi a midi chez M. Jeuneux a l’hotel de Chavigny rue d’Enfer dans la Cité, pour y voir de nouvelles machines et de nouvelles experiences, outre un cabinet tres curieux. Il y sera attendu par son tres humble serviteur qui n’a point eté lui faire de compliment de nouvelle année; mais qui n’en fait pas moins en touts...