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Results 20161-20170 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Gerardin Girardin for the two plants of Cape Jessamine which are very acceptable, and will hold himself accountable for the price. he returns the copy of Tacitus having precisely the same edition in his petit-format library in Bedford , and if mr Girardin thinks it can go safely by post to mr Anderson , he will cover it by his frank. he has the identical...
I had the honor to receive your letter , of the 24th of last month, in which you decline a reelection as president of the American philosophical Society . This letter was laid before the Society, at their meeting last evening, and excited a general regret among the members: no particular order, however, was taken on it; the Society choosing to adopt, in this particular, the Same course which...
In the evening of the day on which you left me, I recieved a letter of Nov. 22. from mr Caruthers , desiring a conclusion on his proposition to lease the Natural bridge . you know how sincerely I had meant to give him a preference as the first applicant, & the circumstances which induced me to suppose he had declined it, and therefore to execute the lease to you. I have explained these to him...
I am very much obliged to you for the information, melancholly as it is to me, of the death of Mr Gerry. A Friendship of forty years I have found a rarity, though not a Singularity. I am left alone. While Paine Gerry and Lovell lived, there were Some that I Seemed to know: but now not one of my Contemporaries and Colleagues is left. Can there by any deeper damnation in this Universe, than to...
Gerry! Gerry! Gerry! You was the last of my Colleagues! I am left alone! It cannot be long before I Shall Join you. What Tidings Shall I carry to you? That a total degeneracy has prevail’d ; or that the ancient Virtues are revived? Are there none who rejoice in this Exit? I Shall Soon give them another moment of delight: and much good may it, do them. Ames and Parsons Sett the World in a howl...
I thank you for your favour of the 23d.— Gerry is gone to joine his Copatriots in lamentations over the degeneracy of his Country; at least in Sagadahock, Nantucket and Alexandria. I am, left alone, to carry the last and worst tidings to the Skies. What Shall I? What can I say of Mr Gerry’s Family? An amiable Wisdom and nine amiable Children. I can say no more— MHi : Adams Family Papers,...
Yesterday morning your Letter of 6. November, which I mark number 41 was delivered to me—Why it had been so long on the road I know not—That of the 3d: I had received a full week sooner—It always give me some uneasiness to be more than a week without hearing from you, but as the time for the freezing of the Russian rivers has come I was attributing the delay of your Letters to some such...
Yours of the eighth is come not to fill me with doubts because that was already effected but to make those doubts almost certainties and those of a very disagreeable nature if it must be so there is no remedy but I hope you have been misinformed about our commander and that he may prove better than you expect— What do you think of the English Speech? it is most affectedly peacable, and...
§ From Peter Early. 2 December 1814, Milledgeville, Georgia. “In conformity with the directions of the Legislature of this State, I have now the honor of transmitting to you the inclosed copy of certain resolutions passed by that body at their late Session.” RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Early; docketed by JM . The enclosed resolutions (4 pp.), dated 18 Nov....
It is with real regret we for a moment withdraw your attention from national to individual interests. Having failed to receive any notice from every other quarter to our applications for the aid of Government in the prosecution of a just claim to restitution, must be our apology for intruding on your valuable time. The circumstances of our case are these: on the raising of the Embargo in the...