Adams Papers

Monday 31st.

Monday 31st.

Went about to see the town. Saw the Shipping which made a Grand appearance.1 The Gentlemen dined out but us younkers2 dined at home. After dinner we went to the hotel d’Angleterre and after that to the comedy, but could find no places.3

1Such scenes of “a Grand appearance” may have inspired several sketches of ships and soldiers which appear at the end of this Diary booklet, on the last leaf and on the inside of the back cover. These sketches come after two blank leaves (which follow this last diary entry) that JQA may have intended to fill, but never did, with his descriptions of travel from Bordeaux to Paris during the following week. For details about the sketches, see the Descriptive List of Illustrations, No. 3.

2Dutch, for youngsters.

3This is the last extant entry in D/JQA/2. There is some indication that the Diary may have been continued in this booklet on the following day, 1 Feb., the last day the party stayed in Bordeaux. On the following leaf in the MS the top quarter has been torn off, but part of one or possibly two unidentifiable words survive along the torn edge.

Index Entries