John Jay Papers

William Jay to Richard Varick, 30 January 1828

William Jay to Richard Varick

January Bedford Jany: 30th. 1828—


My Father having received an injury in his hand which prevents his writing, has desired me to inform you, that his age & the state of his health render it impossible for him to perform any of the duties of President of the American Bible Society.1 He therefore resigns that office, & requests you to lay his resignation before the Board of Managers. He begs you also to assure them, that his attachment to the Institution continues unabated; that he thinks the distribution of the Holy Scriptures, one of the best means of extending the influence of true Religion, & that the success of the Society in accomplishing that most important object, is one of the subjects of his wishes & his prayers.2 I am Sir Your very Obdt: Servt:

William Jay

To the presiding Vice prest. Of the American Bible Socy:

ALS, NNAB (EJ: 02915). Richard Varick and Robert Troup replied on 8 Mar. 1828, below.

1For JJ’s injury to his hand and subsequent illness, see WJ to PAJ, 28[–29] Mar. 1827, above; Ann Jay to WJ: Memorandum on John Jay’s Illnesses, [after 17 May 1829], below.

2For JJ’s presidency of the ABS, see the editorial note “John Jay’s Engagement with Philanthropic and Religious Organizations,” above.

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