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Results 20151-20200 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 23d of the last, was received on the first day of the present month. In the...
On the evening of the 16th. instant I was honoured with yours of the 13th. enclosing the petition...
12 May 1804, Cagliari. Respectful thanks are due for the latest news that Anna Porcile and her...
The Gentlemen who will have the honor to deliver you this Letter are from the West Indias they...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. et Mad. Elië de Beaumont ont l’honneur de presenter leurs...
Printed by Didot l’aîné (1783): Yale University Library, University of Pennsylvania Library,...
At the request of Col. Weissenfels I transmit the enclosed Certificate. Having served with the...
The late session, considering the flourishing & happy condition of the country, has been...
To the inclosed letter, which you will be pleased to communicate to the House of Representitives...
A g reeably to your’s of the 20th of Septr. I have used the best means in my Power to be informed...
with referance to M r L. Leschuts 7 watches say 5 Single Capt a $40 is  200 } is 320 { say $2...
[ Philadelphia, December 20, 1792. On January 19, 1793, Whipple wrote to Hamilton : “I have to...
Philip. P. Barbour, with his respects, returns to Mr. Madison the books and pamphlets recently...
Colo. Finnie being about to send some provision vessels to the head of Elk, I have desired him to...
Your favor of May 17. came to hand the last day of June. it covered a Tragedy in Manuscript from...
Mr. Hamilton opposed the motion strenuously, declared that as a friend to the army as well as to...
I transmit you some dispatches lately receivd from the Judge of the Kentucky district. I hope the...
Enclosed I have the honour to forward to you a letter under date of the 26th. November last with...
On Board Schooner Edward & Edmund. have Say 80 Bundles Nail 0.0.0 at 124$ $248 porterage 1.33...
Your favour by Mr Hoops has in some measure revivd a hope that was almost extinguishd—of doing...
The Ordinance for the disposal of the Western territory was pass’d three days ago, & I take the...
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 28 Jan. 1776. On 10 Feb. GW wrote to Reed...
I received your favor of Nov. 4. in Richmond. I had not then time to answer it, but now return...
17 February 1803, Gibraltar. No. 114. “Since my last N: 113 under the 11: Int: [13 Feb. 1803] ,...
The terms of approbation with which you mention my Lecture and Museum , afford me much...
The three Letters which Mrs. Adams honoured me with were received at Paris, and should have been...
I regret being obliged to inform Your Excellency, that I find myself, at this late period, very...
On Saturday, a Public Dinner was given at the Eagle , in honor of Mr. Jefferson . A large and...
According to your request I lodged 150. D. for you in the hands of messrs. Gibson & Jefferson the...
I have been so much indisposed since my last of the 8th. inst. as to have been absolutely...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 163, fol. 227). To The Honble. the deligates for the State of Virginia in...
20182[Diary entry: 30 December 1774] (Washington Papers)
30. Calm and exceeding pleasant—being clear in the forenoon. Somewhat lowering afterwards.
I had this afternoon the pleasure of recieving your obliging Letter of the 6 th . Jan y last, and...
The Pittsburg mail is arrived, but no letter from General Wayne. I suspect he has sent dispatches...
I wrote to you on the 26 of August, and sent my Letter to N york to go in a dispatch vessel. I...
The Subscriber observing with surprise the want of a House of entertainment on Capitol Hill, for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Merchants of this City, greatly destrest with the...
I have your favr of the 27th —Supposing the Continental Cloathing delivered to the Virginia line...
In a letter of the 17th. of April which I wrote you from Monticello, I observed to you that as...
As I never saw, nor never heard of the resolve of Congress spoken of by the Secretary at war (as...
Since my letter of the 30th. Ulto. I have recieved your friendly and obliging letter of the 25th....
I have not been able to find an opportunity to acknowledge the receit of the esteemed favour with...
I have had the honor to inform you that I arrived at this place the 8 June, after touching at...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Inclosed you have two Letters I received yesterday,...
I have occasion to pay to Genl. Stephen Thompson Mason a sum not exceeding 50. dollars, which...
I believe it is your practice to settle the annual accounts of your customers about the month of...
I was too much gratified with the Proposal you made me of writing to you, to neglect it long. For...
By the act passed 12th August, 1790, making provision for the reduction of the Public Debt,...
I received yours of the 28th. last evening. Your preceding one covering among other things your...
It is with extreme reluctance that I find myself so often Constrained to address you on the...