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Results 20151-20200 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have duly recd. yours of the 29th. Ult. The wishes conveyed in mine which it answers, are far...
When I took the liberty of addressing you on the 6th Oct. it was to be expected that the...
In the hour of distress I am compelled to appeal to you for assistance, & support. The decease of...
In considering the case submitted to him yesterday by the President, the attorney general has the...
The subject of your letter of Nov. is entirely unknown to me . I only know in general that the...
I rcd yours of Octr 29, by Mr Everit: a young Gentleman with whose Talents I had been previously...
Mr: Shaw, an American Gentleman, belonging to New-York has just called upon me, and informs me...
My affairs in Loudoun requiring in an urgent manner my presence, I shall go up to day & return on...
R. Rush has the honor to enclose to the President, 1. A letter from the governor of Louisiana...
Your letter of Nov. 22. came to hand yesterday afternoon only: and I sincerely regret it had not...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Gerardin Girardin for the two plants of Cape Jessamine...
I had the honor to receive your letter , of the 24th of last month, in which you decline a...
In the evening of the day on which you left me, I recieved a letter of Nov. 22. from mr Caruthers...
I am very much obliged to you for the information, melancholly as it is to me, of the death of Mr...
Gerry! Gerry! Gerry! You was the last of my Colleagues! I am left alone! It cannot be long before...
I thank you for your favour of the 23d.— Gerry is gone to joine his Copatriots in lamentations...
Yesterday morning your Letter of 6. November, which I mark number 41 was delivered to me—Why it...
Yours of the eighth is come not to fill me with doubts because that was already effected but to...
§ From Peter Early. 2 December 1814, Milledgeville, Georgia. “In conformity with the directions...
It is with real regret we for a moment withdraw your attention from national to individual...
I am willing to grind M r Thomas Jefferson ,s Present present Crop of wheat on the following...
Memorandum of an agreement entered into on the 2 d Day of December 1814. between Thomas Jefferson...
I transmit for the information of Congress the communications last received from the Ministers...
Having received a Commission of Surveyor of the Port of Boston & Charlestown, and another as...
The Commissioner of the General Land Office respectfully represents to the President of the U...
1814. Dec. 1. wrote to mr Millegan to procure me Garnet ’s Naut. Almanac 15. to be forwarded by...
I beg leave to intrude myself to your notice, in the hope, that altho almost incessantly engaged,...
Sketch put into the hands of Mr. Dallas as outline for the Exposition of the causes & character...
Natural bridge . principles for renting for shot manufact y a shot tower of 160.f. height costs...
The young gentleman, M r Colin Clark , who will present this letter was formerly a pupil of mine;...
It is painful, to know we live in such an age, that the most laudable sentiments which can...
In your 4th page, you give Us your Opinion “that the moral Efforts of Mankind, towards political...
I hereby offer and solicit the acceptance, of my resignation, of Brigadier-General, in the army,...
§ From William Jones. 30 November 1814, Navy Department. “The promotions and appointments...
§ From William Jones. 30 November 1814, Navy Department. “The promotion of the within names, is...
I feel myself highly flattered by the notice you were pleased to take of my Oration, in your...
Despatches are rec d from our ministers as late of the 31. ult o , at which time the negotiation...
My last Letter to you, was dated 17th of October 1814 which supposing the negotiation had ended...
As my Husband has thought it proper to inclose a Letter, received from our Son to the president,...
My letter of Friday last informed you of the arrival of the Fingal at Havre, and of the...
Your Letter of the 24th Inst. did not reach me until last Night. The estimation in which you...
§ From William Jones. 29 November 1814, Navy Department. “I have the honor to enclose, for your...
When my Son departed for Russia, I injoined upon him to write nothing to me, which he was not...
Your favour of the 23d gave Us all great Joy. We heard of your return to Boston, from twenty...
When my Son departed for Russia, I enjoined upon him to write nothing to me, which he was not...
Yours of Oct. 28. came to hand on the 15 th inst. only. the settlement of your boundary with Col...
When I heard of the conflagration of the Capitol &ca, I indulged the hope that a temporary...
A variety of avocations, and a degree of ill health, has prevented me till now from making my...
I did not mean to offend you, in what I wrote you concerning the information you gave. but I was...
I did not receive your favor of the 11th. instant till a few days ago; and I have till now been...