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I had the honor on the 20th. April to transmit to you a letter of communication from H. R. H. the Prince Regent of Portugal addressed to the United States of America on the happy occasion of the birth of a Royal Princess, but I have not yet been honoured with an answer. I now beg leave to inform You that H. R. H. having taken into consideration the many dangers which vessels are liable to when...
I do myself the honour to transmit you the inclosed most interesting and agreeable intelligence which I have this moment recd from Genl Putnam. I can scarce doubt but Genl Gates has sent you an Express, but lest he, from the important Business in which he was engaged, should not have done it, I have immediately forwarded it, that you might not be debarred from so great a pleasure an instant...
On yesterday I recievd your letter of the 15. & on the day before wrote to you. The opposition made to the resolutions which you presented to the house can only arise from the two causes which you mention, & from the spirit of that party, which I am persuaded is ever ready to sacrifice the interest of the country, for the advancement of individuals. I trust it will prove abortive. If it does...
Whilst the revolution which has recently occurred in Europe astonishes and confounds by its unexpectedness and importance, its possible consequences to us are calculated to produce, a painful solicitude among all descriptions of our citizens, with those to whom a share of the public confidence is dispensed, that solicitude is necessarily increased. This will account for the trouble I give you...
My friend Dr. Muhlenberg of this place, whose reputation as a botanist you are not unacquainted with, is very desirous of possessing the seed of any rare plants that Captain Lewis may have brought with him. As you will be in possession of them, I have taken the liberty of requesting a specimen of any that you may have to spare, for my friend the Doctor. As you have always evinced the strongest...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. Immediately preceding the entry for the present date, JM wrote, “Wednesday Novr. 6th. no congress.” On the reconsideration the Resol: for exchanging the 2 for: officers Its repeal was unanimously agreed to. A motion was made by Mr Osgood to assign an early day for filling up the vacancy in the Court of appeals. It was...
The Bearer, Mr. Isaac Mc.Pherson, a Merchant of Alexandria, has inform’d me, that he has something of Moment to communicate to You (with the Particulars whereof I am unacquainted) and being a Stranger to You, has requested, from me, a Letter of Introduction. Mr. Mc.Pherson has resided some Years in Alexandria, has carryed on extensive Business there; and as far as I have heard or understood,...
I arrived here two days ago, and have brought with me instruments for our project at the peaks. as I presume you would like to see something of the proceedings, you must be so good as to say when your business will permit you to be at home for three or four days; for I think it will take that time. to me, after tomorrow, all days will be equal; and the sooner the better while we have such fair...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Books which your Excellency will receve from the bearer were deliver’d to me by My Uncle Sr Edward Newenham. I have also a letter from that Gentleman to your Excellency which (as it contains little more than an introduction) I mean to deliver in person to your Excellcy: when I do myself the honour of waiting on you. I am Sir with the greatest Respect...
I have been Dear Sir long oppressed under duty, respect and friendship, in having omited to write to you about the Plow which you so obligingly sent me.   The principle on which the form is given is undoubtably excellent, as the action is by strait lines, yet without a proper length is given to the mould board, all its advantages are lost. I made repeated tryals of this Plow by an expert...
211[Diary entry: 29 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
29th. A good deal of Rain fell in the Night. Fine Rain all day with the Wind at East.
N’ayant point de vos nouvelles depuis mon retour á Paris, je prends la liberté de vous demander le progrés que vous avez fait dans les recherches dont vous avez bien voulu vous charger pour les livres que je vous ai prié de me procurer, et quand je pourrai en attendre l’expedition ou de la totalité, ou de telle partie que vous auriez pu trouver en attendant la reste. J’ai l’honneur d’etre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be handed you by Mr. Joseph Fichet Armeture De Le Scarboucle of 22 Guns 6 pounders, which is now at this port and is thought to be one of the fastest Sailing Ships belonging to France, she is now out of repair or would answer our purpose very well. She is very Old and will want a very heavy repair. As the Gentlemen intends rebuilding said Ship...
Depuis 10 années que je m’occupe de recherches sur la Nature, je suis parvenu à faire une ample moisson de matériaux, en tous genres, les quels semblent promettre une révolution heureuse, dans toutes les Branches constituant la philosophie, toute fois qu’ils seront mis au jour par la voie de l’impression. Vous devez sentir, Monsieur, que tant que ces matériaux restent inconnus, ils sont...
Attempts in different shapes have been made to repel the charges which have been brought against the Secretary of State. The defence of him however in the quarter in which he has been principally assailed, has hitherto gone no further than a mere shew of defending him. I speak as to his improper connection with the Editor of the National Gazette. But a more serious and more plausible effort...
Having been Inform’d some time since that Mr DeSaussure’s Acceptance of the Office of Director of the mint, was Conditional & depended on the Concurrence of his friends in Carolina, I took measures to procure the documents necessary to Support an application to be brought forward as soon as possible after his determination should be made. Understanding that he has resolved to resign, I do...
I am thus far on my way to Philadelphia, and if the disagreeableness of the weather (for it is now raining) does not prevent it, shall proceed to Bladensburgh at least to night; but be my dispatch what it probably may, the mail which leaves this tomorrow, will arrive in Philadelphia before me. This being the case, and time pressing, I forward the enclosed suggestions of Mr. Jefferson and Mr....
I return you the draught of the Bill for the establishment of a National academy & University at the city of Washington, with such alterations as we talked over the last night. they are chiefly verbal.    I have often wished we could have a Philosophical society or Academy so organised as that while the central academy should be at the seat of government, it’s members dispersed over the...
I have the Honour to inclose for Your Excellency’s Determination, a petition I have just received from the Canadian Soldiers in Col: James Livingston’s Regiment. Baron Stuben assured me, he would make such Report of that Regiment to your Excellency, as would induce some orders to be taken thereupon, the most Beneficial to the public Service; at present they are a very unprofitable Corps to the...
Upon a presumption that a part of the intended operations against the Indians will be carried on by a Body of Men from the Waters of the Susquehannah it will be necessary to be well informed of the Situation of the principal Villages of the hostile tribes and the number of fighting Men that each may contain. We will suppose Chemung on the Cayuga Branch the first post to be attacked and...
221[Diary entry: 19 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
19. At home all day. In the Afternoon Majr. Wagener and Mr. John Barnes with Doctr. Craik came here. John Barnes, eldest son of Abraham Barnes (d. 1777) of St. Mary’s County, Md., had recently gone bankrupt as a tobacco merchant in Port Tobacco, Md. After settling his firm’s affairs, he moved to western Maryland, where he eventually developed a prosperous plantation called Montpelier (...
I last night received the favor of your Letter of the 26th with the Resolves to which it alludes. The views of Congress in sending General Officers to the Eastward, to hasten on the Troops, have been long anticipated. Genl Poor is in New Hampshire for the purpose; General Heath in Massachusets Bay, with Brigadrs Nixon, Glover and Patterson; General Varnum in Rhode Island, and Genl Parsons in...
Before your Letter arrived Dr Priestley was dead: of which I informed you hastily on the same afternoon. The work you mention of Mr Malthus, I have perused with deep interest and melancholy conviction of the general truth of his Theory, but I cannot help thinking he carries it much too far. Granting the tendency of the procreative passion to increase the human species far beyond the ratio of...
I have been introduced through the entreaties and tears of the aged and the young, to an acquaintance with a rule of your office, which I beg leave to say, is as honorable to yourself, as it is promotive of the cause of morality, Religion, and the Service of the Country. I refer to the rule lately applied in the case of young Ritche, on account of his having been accessory to a fatal duel...
The period is now at hand when I intend retireing from the administration of this government. I did hope for the arrival of my successor by that time, but of this I begin now to despair. I shall, therefore, prepare to take an important Step—I mean a dissolution of the general Assembly, which will take place this evening. Were it not Consistant with my duty to assign any reasons for this...
I send you the enclosed letter. You will make enquiry into the character and circumstances of the writer, and report verbally. to m ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Saturday June the 3d 1775. Congress however ordered the Letter to lie under on the Table for farther Consideration. On Saturday June the 3d 1775. The Letter from the Convention of the Massachusetts Bay dated the 16th. of May, being again read, the Subject was again discussed, and then Resolved That a Committee of five Persons be chosen, to consider the same and report what in their Opinion is...
228[Diary entry: 8 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s. GW apparently clubbed at Weedon’s again this evening and played cards, winning 5s. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 320).
Before I left Washington I was called upon by Col. Tousard, who had been charged by Fayette with explanations &c. to his friends. These confirm the need he is in of relief both permanent & present, with respect to his pecuniary affairs. The idea has been entertained by him and is strongly pressed by Toussard, that money can be got on loan from the Banks & that his friends here can greatly...
To answer your Honour’s Letter of the 25th by Mr Birney —I shall begin with assuring you, that nothing was farther from my intention than to recede, thô I then pressd and still desire that my Services may be voluntary rather than on the present Pay—I am much concernd that your Honour should seem to charge me with ingratitude for your generous, and my undeserved favours, for I assure you Honble...
Mr Sullivan who will have the pleasure to present you this letter, intending to visit the upper part of our State, & particularly the university, having expressd a desire to be made known to you, I give him with pleasure this introduction. He is the son of gov r Sullivan of Massachusetts with whom you were probably acquainted. With great respect & sincere regard I am dear Sir your friend— MHi .
I believe I told you in my last , that I had given you all in Lindseys Memoirs, than that interested you. But I was mistaken. In Priestleys Letter to Lindsey Dec r 19. 1803 , I find this Paragraph “With the Work I am now composing I go on much faster and better than I expected; so that in two or three months, if my health continue as it now is, I hope to have it ready for the Press; though I...
23317 August., 17 August 1776 (Adams Papers)
17 August. The congress resolved that Gustavus Risberg be appointed an assistant to Clement Biddle, deputy quartermaster general to the Flying Camp ( JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress , 1774–1789, Washington, 1904–1937; 34 vols. , 5:665–666; Note: Several other resolutions immediately following concerning the exchange of prisoners, troops raised in...
234[Diary entry: 1 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 1. Clear and pleasant. Still forenoon but brisk Southwestwardly Wind afterwds.
The bearer of this is the son of mr Wilson C. Nicholas of Virginia, formerly a Senator in Congress from that state & now of the H. of Representatives in Congress. these circumstances, as well as his high standing in society must have made him known to you, by reputation at least, so far as to have rendered my recommendations unnecessary to secure to him any attentions or civilities which you...
J’ai reçû le Portrait du Général Washington par Detems aprés La Lettre dont votre Excéllence m’a honoré pour me l’annoncer. Je ne doute pas qu’il ne Soit aussi ressemblant à ce grand homme, que L’exécution de la Peinture en est parfaitte. Votre Excéllence ayant bien Voulüe prendre des précautions, Soit pour le choix de L’Artiste, qui à fait cette Copie d’aprés Wright, Soit en priant M. Hudon...
237[September 1796] (Adams Papers)
The Summer is ended and the first day of Autumn commenced. The Morning is cold tho the Wind is West. To Work again on the high Ways. Billings out upon his Wall a little after Sunrise. Captn. Hall Surveyor of High Ways finished the Road between my Garden and new Wall. To work again on the high Ways. They have taxed me this Year between forty nine and fifty days Works on the Roads besides the...
[ Annapolis, 9 May 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “J. Key. Extract from my Cash book—additional instructions.” Not found.]
Scotts light Infantry 1000—A Detachment of the same Number under Wayne & the whole Commanded by Genl McDougal to Imbark at and land opposite to Morriss House at Hærlem—A Detachment of Men from this body to Land in the Cove under Fort Washington & endeavour to surprize it—some Germans to be with this party to answer if hailed in that language & signify that it is a party from Spiting devil by...
I Recevd you Letter with a Coppy of our Agreement —you Inform me that I am to Live this winter at your mansion House which I shall Like Very well as it will be giving me an oppertunity of Giting acquainted with the Business there—But after that If it should be agreeable to you I had Rather Live in the house you intended for me as I have Several small Children and I should Like to keep them at...
When at Washington I took the liberty to recommend Robert Porter Esqr. of Philadelphia to your notice as one of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy for the District of Pennsylvania—Circumstances probably were not favorable at that time to his appointment—as there is now a vacancy by the death of John W. Vancleve, I again solicit your attention to the pretensions of Mr. Porter for that office,...
I have this moment received your Excellen[c]y’s polite letter of today—and have the honor to inform you that in consequence of suggestions made by the Gentlemen from Boston and the Depy Adjut. Genl (whom I met at Worcester this morning) that it would make it more convenient for the troops, many of which lived at a distance from the place of parade, if I should pass through Cambridge at an...
Letter not found: to Clement Biddle, 28 Oct. 1786. On 5 Nov. Biddle wrote GW : “I have your Esteemed favour of 28th ulto.”
I snatch a moment to intimate that Dr. T. Ewell is under circumstances which induce him to surround himself with respectable names as far as he can. Yours has been already brought into print, and he is availing himself to the utmost of your alledged patronage of him. I think it probable that he will endeavor to draw from you by letter whatever may be yielded by your politeness or benevolence;...
I have received your favor of Apr. 19. and supposing you would wish information as to the article of it relative to the concern of Carter & Trent , I take the liberty of mentioning that there was a balance due from me to that concern, which had been partly paid off before my return from Europe, and the residue was paid about two years ago as nearly as I can recollect. It was done by Lewis &...
I have recd. from Mr. H. Wheaton who is engaged in a Biography of the late W. Pinkney a letter wch. I inclose with my answer. If your recollection or memoranda can confirm or enlarge the information I have given with respect to the origin of the Embargo, be so good as to return my answer that it may be improved: If otherwise, it may be sealed & forwarded; the letter from Mr. Wheaton to be...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 9. de ce mois avec l’état des Lettres de change tirées de l’Inde et de l’Amérique, pour le service de la Marine qui appartiennent aux Américains et dont le paiement est reculé d’une année, en vertu de l’arrêt du Conseil du Roi du 26. fevrier dernier. S’il étoit possible de...
I have the honor to inclose you a list of the Votes in the city and county of Philadelphia from which it appears that the antifederal people are not as much animated upon this occasion as their leaders, and that we have more than our real proportion of votes in the city, and much more in the County. The Boroughs are generally enlightened and federal, and vote largely in proportion in all...
249[Diary entry: 2 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 2d. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at N. Much rain had fallen in the Night. The day was variable, but generally cloudy with fine rain about 10 or 11 Oclock which lasted more than an hour—after which the Sun came out but for a short duration. Rid to Muddy hole, but proceeded no further as, at the time I was there the appearances of a wet day were greatest.
The General Assembly of this State frequently receives Petitions from Soldiers who have met with losses while in the Army, some who were inlisted Soldiers and some who serv’d as Militia Men—praying that they may be made good to them. Others who were taken sick on the Road and have been at an Expence pray that their Accounts may be allowed. I mention this to you that if you think proper you may...