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Results 201-210 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I had the honor on the 20th. April to transmit to you a letter of communication from H. R. H. the Prince Regent of Portugal addressed to the United States of America on the happy occasion of the birth of a Royal Princess, but I have not yet been honoured with an answer. I now beg leave to inform You that H. R. H. having taken into consideration the many dangers which vessels are liable to when...
I do myself the honour to transmit you the inclosed most interesting and agreeable intelligence which I have this moment recd from Genl Putnam. I can scarce doubt but Genl Gates has sent you an Express, but lest he, from the important Business in which he was engaged, should not have done it, I have immediately forwarded it, that you might not be debarred from so great a pleasure an instant...
On yesterday I recievd your letter of the 15. & on the day before wrote to you. The opposition made to the resolutions which you presented to the house can only arise from the two causes which you mention, & from the spirit of that party, which I am persuaded is ever ready to sacrifice the interest of the country, for the advancement of individuals. I trust it will prove abortive. If it does...
Whilst the revolution which has recently occurred in Europe astonishes and confounds by its unexpectedness and importance, its possible consequences to us are calculated to produce, a painful solicitude among all descriptions of our citizens, with those to whom a share of the public confidence is dispensed, that solicitude is necessarily increased. This will account for the trouble I give you...
My friend Dr. Muhlenberg of this place, whose reputation as a botanist you are not unacquainted with, is very desirous of possessing the seed of any rare plants that Captain Lewis may have brought with him. As you will be in possession of them, I have taken the liberty of requesting a specimen of any that you may have to spare, for my friend the Doctor. As you have always evinced the strongest...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. Immediately preceding the entry for the present date, JM wrote, “Wednesday Novr. 6th. no congress.” On the reconsideration the Resol: for exchanging the 2 for: officers Its repeal was unanimously agreed to. A motion was made by Mr Osgood to assign an early day for filling up the vacancy in the Court of appeals. It was...
The Bearer, Mr. Isaac Mc.Pherson, a Merchant of Alexandria, has inform’d me, that he has something of Moment to communicate to You (with the Particulars whereof I am unacquainted) and being a Stranger to You, has requested, from me, a Letter of Introduction. Mr. Mc.Pherson has resided some Years in Alexandria, has carryed on extensive Business there; and as far as I have heard or understood,...
I arrived here two days ago, and have brought with me instruments for our project at the peaks. as I presume you would like to see something of the proceedings, you must be so good as to say when your business will permit you to be at home for three or four days; for I think it will take that time. to me, after tomorrow, all days will be equal; and the sooner the better while we have such fair...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Books which your Excellency will receve from the bearer were deliver’d to me by My Uncle Sr Edward Newenham. I have also a letter from that Gentleman to your Excellency which (as it contains little more than an introduction) I mean to deliver in person to your Excellcy: when I do myself the honour of waiting on you. I am Sir with the greatest Respect...
I have been Dear Sir long oppressed under duty, respect and friendship, in having omited to write to you about the Plow which you so obligingly sent me.   The principle on which the form is given is undoubtably excellent, as the action is by strait lines, yet without a proper length is given to the mould board, all its advantages are lost. I made repeated tryals of this Plow by an expert...