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Results 201-250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
201 Madison, James Robbins, Asher James Madison to Asher Robbins, 12 February 1835 1835-02-12 I have long been in debt for the Copy of your "Discourse before the P. B. K. Society of Brown....
202 Madison, James Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph James Madison to Ferdinand R. Hassler, 11 February 1835 1835-02-11 I have received your communication relating to the survey of the coast and thank you for it....
203 Madison, James Duponceau, Peter Stephen James Madison to Peter S. Duponceau, 7 February 1835 1835-02-07 I have received the Copy of Mr. Tyson’s "Discourse before the Young Men’s Colonization Society in...
204 Madison, James Coles, Isaac A. James Madison to Isaac A. Coles, 5 February 1835 1835-02-05 I am just favoured with yours of the 2d. inst. I owe an apology for not informing you that the...
205 Madison, James Adams, John Quincy James Madison to [John Quincy] Adams, 4 February 1835 1835-02-04 J. Madison with his best respects to Mr. Adams returns him many thanks for his "Oration on the...
206 Madison, James Newell, Daniel James Madison to Daniel Newell, 2 February 1835 1835-02-02 private I have received your two letters of the 28 & 30 Ulto. and return the paper inclosed in...
207 Coles, Isaac A. Madison, James Isaac A. Coles to James Madison, 2 February 1835 1835-02-02 On my return from Baltimore last fall, Comdore Elliot committed to my care a cane and Vase made...
208 Madison, James Clay, Henry James Madison to Henry Clay, 31 January 1835 1835-01-31 Perceiving that I am indebted to you for a copy of your Report on our Relations with France, I...
209 Newell, Daniel Madison, James Daniel Newell to James Madison, 30 January 1835 1835-01-30 In the circular I sent you of the 29th I announced my intentions of visiting you soon but find I...
210 Rainey, Dabney Madison, James Dabney Rainey to James Madison, 28 January 1835 1835-01-28 Altho’ personally unacquainted with you, I hope, my revered Sir, you will not consider it...
211 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James Charles J. Ingersoll to James Madison, 27 January 1835 1835-01-27 Since my son wrote to me last summer after enjoying as he said the delightful presence of the...
212 Whittle, Conway Madison, James Conway Whittle to James Madison, 26 January 1835 1835-01-26 It has been my good fortune to be selected as the channel by which to forward a package to you...
213 Madison, James Allen, William [JM] to [William Allen], 13 January 1835 1835-01-13 Below is an authority for transferring my credit on the Books of the S. G. T. Company, to yours....
214 Madison, James Drake, Daniel James Madison to Daniel Drake, 12 January 1835 1835-01-12 The copy of your "Discourse on the History charac[ter] and prospects of the West", was duly...
215 Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph Madison, James Ferdinand R. Hassler to James Madison, 9 January 1835 1835-01-09 The Kind interest which You have always taken in the Work of the Coast Survey, occasiones me to...
216 Miller, Samuel Madison, James Samuel Miller to James Madison, 8 January 1835 1835-01-08 This letter will be handed to you by the Reverend Daniel Newell, the General Agent appointed by...
217 Madison, James James Madison: On Nullification, December 1834 1834-12-01 Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia declared at a late Session almost unanimously, that S....
218 Madison, James James Madison to Unknown, re majority governments … 1834-12-01 You justly take alarm at the new doctrine that a majority Govt. is of all Govts. the most...
219 Madison, James James Madison to [Unknown], December 1834 1834-12-01 Having alluded to the Supreme Court of the U. S. as a Constitutional resort in deciding questions...
220 Madison, James Memorandum of checks drawn on Bank of Fredericksburg … 1834-12-01 Deposit 5400 + 600 (check every Memorandum of checks drawn on the Bank of Fredericksburg on the...
221 Madison, James Notes on Nullification, December 1834 1834-12-01 Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia at a late Session declared almost unanimously, that South...
222 Delavan, Edward C. Madison, James Edward C. Delavan to James Madison, 29 December 1834 1834-12-29 I take the liberty of sending to you three of the Declarations on parchment which you will oblige...
223 Dunbar, John R. W. Madison, James John R. W. Dunbar to James Madison, 29 December 1834 1834-12-29 In the interview at your house and during the very interesting remarks with which you favoured me...
224 Madison, James Jay, Langdon J. James Madison to Langdon J. Jay, 24 December 1834 1834-12-24 I have received your letter of the 20th. instant. The object of it will be attained, by this...
225 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 24 December 1834 1834-12-24 I have just rec’d from Mr Scrope, one of the M. Ps for this County, a Pamphlet sent him ex...
226 Madison, James Allen, William [JM] to William Allen, 22 December 1834 1834-12-22 Estimating the price of flour as rather more likely to be better than lower, I have preferred a...
227 Malcom, Howard Madison, James Howard Malcom to James Madison, 22 December 1834 1834-12-22 I am pleased to be able now to forward you the specimen of wrought anthracite. It came safely...
228 Madison, James New England Society of New York James Madison to the New England Society of New York … 1834-12-20 —I have recd. fellow Citizens your letter inviting me in behalf of the New England society in N....
229 Cocke, John Hartwell Madison, James John Hartwell Cocke to James Madison, 17 December 1834 1834-12-17 In a letter I received from my Friend Mr. Delavan, soon after his late visit to Montpelier, he...
230 James Madison: Testimonial, 27 November 1834 1834-11-27 Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from medical testimony, that ardent...
231 Miller, Anson S. Madison, James Anson S. Miller to James Madison, 20 November 1834 1834-11-20 One of your fellow Citizens of the north who is a stranger to your (person but who has Cherished...
232 Chamberlin, William A. Madison, James William A. Chamberlin to James Madison, 17 November … 1834-11-17 Permit me to ask from Your venerable hand some small incident in Your publick life in Your own...
233 Wilde, Richard Henry Madison, James Richard Henry Wilde to James Madison, 16 November 1834 1834-11-16 I should have to reproach myself severely for not replying to your kind note of April 11th. if my...
234 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 15 November 1834 1834-11-15 For the lateness of this acknowledgment of your letter of the 31 Ult: my dear Sir, I must plead...
235 Gray, Peter Madison, James Peter Gray to James Madison, 6 November 1834 1834-11-06 Honl. James Madison 1834   To Peter Gray Agt. Dr. Mar. 6. For North American Review 1834 ........
236 Livingston, Edward Madison, James [Edward Livingston] to James Madison, 4 November 1834 1834-11-04 Grateful as I was for your letter considered as a mark of your kindness and esteem, it gave me...
237 Cocke, John Hartwell Madison, James John Hartwell Cocke to James Madison, 2 November 1834 1834-11-02 Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Edwd. C. Delavan Esqr. Chairman of the Executive...
238 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 31 October 1834 1834-10-31 In returning you my grateful acknowledgements for your highly prized letter of the 15th instant,...
239 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 22 October 1834 1834-10-22 (I have received the copy of your Eulogy on Lafayette; and tho’ obliged in my present condition...
240 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 22 October 1834 1834-10-22 Agreeably to my intention, made known to you, I should have deposited the $7. you overpaid me in...
241 Spencer, Ambrose Madison, James Ambrose Spencer to James Madison, 22 October 1834 1834-10-22 My neighbor & friend E. C. Delavan Esqr. of this City, being about to proceed to Virginia, & the...
242 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 21 October 1834 1834-10-21 I received with the greater satisfaction your kind letter of the 8th Ult. as those which it...
243 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 15 October 1834 1834-10-15 I have received my dear Sir, your letter of the 15th. ultimo. I did not anticipate a complaint...
244 Vail, Aaron Madison, James Aaron Vail to James Madison, 14 October 1834 1834-10-14 I received a few days ago your letter of the 9th Ultimo, with an enclosure for Mr George Joy,...
245 Madison, James Butler, Mann James Madison to Mann Butler, 11 October 1834 1834-10-11 I have recd. your letter of the 21. Ult in which you wish to obtain my recollection of what...
246 Elliott, Jesse D. Madison, James Jesse D. Elliott to James Madison, 10 October 1834 1834-10-10 Fully knowing the patriotic zeal with which you commenced & continued the last War with Great...
247 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 8 October 1834 1834-10-08 I have just received your letter of the 5th. with the Bond enclosed in it, and catch a fugitive...
248 McKiernan, George S. Madison, James George S. McKiernan to James Madison, 8 October 1834 1834-10-08 An individual, who is totally unknown to your Excellency, presumes to beg a slight favour, which...
249 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 5 October 1834 1834-10-05 I have recd. your letter of the 3d. instant enclosing me a Check on the Bank of Virginia at...
250 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 3 October 1834 1834-10-03 I have received yours of the 15th Sepr. and have commenced an answer; but interruptions of...