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Results 201-210 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have long been in debt for the Copy of your "Discourse before the P. B. K. Society of Brown. University;" as I yet am for kind attention from other friends.   For apologies for these delays, not unfrequently spun out into   entire omissions, I must rely on my age now within a few days of its 85th. year, to which is added a State of health, severely crippled by disease. I find as is,...
I have received your communication relating to the survey of the coast and thank you for it. Finding that my great age now within a few days of its 85th. year, with a constitution & health severely crippled by disease did not permit me to give the attention due to the printed Documents, I can only refer to my former letters for an expression of the sentiments and good wishes retained for you...
I have received the Copy of Mr. Tyson’s "Discourse before the Young Men’s Colonization Society in Pensylvania, forwarded by you at his request; and I take the liberty of returning through the same Channel, my thanks, for a publication, so valuable and appropriate. It gives me great pleasure to find that the parent society has gained such an auxiliary as that in question, which has commenced...
I am just favoured with yours of the 2d. inst. I owe an apology for not informing you that the articles sent by Commodore Elliot were duly received from the Courthouse, more than you did for not apprizing me that they were left there. Our only regret has been that you & Mrs. Coles could not give us the pleasure of your intended call. We hope another opportunity will be free from disappointing...
J. Madison with his best respects to Mr. Adams returns him many thanks for his "Oration on the Life & character of De Lafayette". J. M. has read it with a deep impression of the abounding merits which render it worthy of the source from which it comes, and of the object & the occasion which inspired it. RC ( MHi : Adams Papers).
private I have received your two letters of the 28 & 30 Ulto. and return the paper inclosed in one of them, with a subscription to it as requested*—Should the sum be short of expectations or examples, I am able to say, that the question with myself was whether under the obligations to which my reduced resources are subjected I was justified in subscribing at all. I have not assumed the...
On my return from Baltimore last fall, Comdore Elliot committed to my care a cane and Vase made of the wood of the Constitution Frigate, which I promised to deliver in person to yourself and Mrs. Madison. With this intention I ordered my carriage to meet me at Orange Court House, but being forced to leave Baltimore several days earlier than I had intended, by the sudden expansion of the...
Perceiving that I am indebted to you for a copy of your Report on our Relations with France, I beg you to accept this return of my thanks for it. The document is as able in its execution, as it is laudable in its object of avoiding war without incurring dishonor. It must be the wish of all that the issue may correspond with the object. But may not a danger of rupture lurk under the conflicting...
In the circular I sent you of the 29th I announced my intentions of visiting you soon but find I shall not be able now to see you, if at all. Allow me to respectfully say, as you are the President of our Alumni Assoc’ & the only First Magistrate of the U. S. our College has the honor of Graduating we feel a deep, an unspeakable interest in securing your smiles & patronage in the enterprise...
Altho’ personally unacquainted with you, I hope, my revered Sir, you will not consider it presumption in one so obscure as myself to address you, being actuated in so doing by the purest motives. Conjointly with several friends, I wish to learn from you, who performed so eminent a part in the formation of our Federal Constitution, what was the main or primary object in instituting that branch...