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Results 201-250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
MS : American Philosophical Society There can be little doubt that Franklin composed these verses...
202Extracts from the Gazette, 1742 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 6 to December 30, 1742. [ Advertisement ] Eben aus...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Articles of Agreement indented made the twentieth Day of...
DS : Haverford College Library The increasing property of the Library Company suggested that the...
ADS (address) and draft (reply): Historical Society of Pennsylvania; also MS Minute Book...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The difficulty I have Labour’d under Some time in the...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , September 23, 1742. It being asserted in a printed Paper,...
208Receipt Book, 1742–64 (Franklin Papers)
MS Record Book: American Philosophical Society As a man of affairs who frequently made large cash...
209Poor Richard, 1743 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1743. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1743 ,... By Richard Saunders, Philom....
210Extracts from the Gazette, 1743 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 4 to December 29, 1743. On Wednesday the 5th...
MS Minute Book, Union Fire Company: Library Company of Philadelphia The Union Fire Company’s...
Draft: American Philosophical Society This document obviously belongs to the period of Franklin’s...
Broadside: Yale University Library A proposal Franklin drafted in 1743 to found an academy in...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , June 23 and 30, 1743. The first of these pieces, to which...
ALS : Columbia University Library Mr. Read has communicated to me part of a Letter from you,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took your Admonition very kindly, and was far from being...
Draft: New-York Historical Society Ever since I had the Pleasure of a Conversation with you tho...
ALS : New-York Historical Society; also transcript: Library of Congress I received the Favour of...
AD : American Philosophical Society Mr Benjamin Franklin to Alexr Annand Dr To James and William...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
221Poor Richard, 1744 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1744. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1744 ,... By Richard Saunders, Philom....
Printed in A Pocket Almanack For the Year 1744. Fitted to the Use of Pennsylvania, and the...
223Extracts from the Gazette, 1744 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 3 to December 25, 1744. Wednesday last a Fire broke...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks); another transcript: American Philosophical Society...
M.T. Cicero’s Cato Major, or His Discourse of Old-Age: With Explanatory Notes. Philadelphia:...
ALS : New-York Historical Society; also transcript: Library of Congress Happening to be in this...
Copy: Land Office, Department of Internal Affairs, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Know all Men by...
ALS : Yale University Library; also duplicate: University of Pennsylvania Library I receiv’d your...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library The above is a Copy of my last (via Corke). This...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I apprehend I am too busy in prescribing, and meddling in...
ALS : Yale University Library Dr. Mitchel, a Gentleman from Virginia, came to Town this Morning...
Draft: Yale University Library I have Yours of the 13th and am glad to find by it that you have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you per Capt. Evans, and enclos’d you Bills for...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I communicated your Piece on Fluxions to Mr. Logan, and being...
ALS : Chicago Historical Society I have wrote to you by several Opportunities to acknowledge the...
An Account Of the New Invented Pennsylvanian Fire-Places: ... Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by...
Draft: New-York Historical Society The season of the year advancing in which our Correspondence...
238Poor Richard, 1745 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1745. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1745 , … By Richard Saunders, Philom....
Draft: American Philosophical Society This MS in BF ’s autograph was dated “ circa 1745” in I....
240Extracts from the Gazette, 1745 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 1 to December 31, 1745. [ Advertisement ] Lost on...
AD : Historical Society of Pennsylvania To the Worshipful the Mayor, the Recorder and the rest of...
MS not found; reprinted from The Atlantic Monthly , LXI (1888), 22–3. I received your Favour per...
MS : American Philosophical Society These fragments are part of an account Franklin wrote of...
MS not found; reprinted from The American Medical and Philosophical Register; or Annals of...
MS Appearance Docket, 1740–1751, Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Whereas we the Subscribers have by a Written Agreement...
Duplicate: Rosenbach Foundation I wrote to you lately via New York, and sent a Copy via Maryland,...
ALS : Rosenbach Foundation The above is a Copy of mine per Capt. Martyn. I have only to desire...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Sparks, Works , VII , 16–17. Our people are extremely...
AL : The Rosenbach Foundation; also copy and transcript: Library of Congress In both manuscript...