James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Bartholomew W. Egan, 8 February 1828

To Bartholomew W. Egan

Montpr. Feby 8. 1828

I have recd. Sir, yours of the 1st. instant,1 inclosing a letter from Mr. Giles to the Visitors of the University, and a copy of a letter from Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Giles; all of which, will, as you request, be duly communicated. With friendly respects.

J. M

Draft (DLC).

1Letters not found, but Egan probably sent a copy of Thomas Jefferson to William Branch Giles, 26 Dec. 1825 (DLC: Jefferson Papers), in which Jefferson wrote: “I learn with great satisfaction that your school is thriving well, and that you have at it’s head a truly classical scholar. He is one, of 3. or 4. only whom I can hear of in the state.” Egan was the new principal at the Wigwam Grammar School on Giles’s plantation (Richmond Enquirer, 21 Nov. 1826).

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