James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 10 February 1828

To Arthur S. Brockenbrough

Feby. 10. 1828

Dear Sir

I have recd. your letter of the 7th.1 on the subject of the Books Maps &c assigned to the Uny by a late act of the Genl. Assembly.2 It is not easy to conform exactly to the terms of the Act. Presuming on one hand, that the Ex. will not understand it to be their duty to forward the articles to the Library, and on the other that they will not refuse to spare him the trouble of receiving them in person at Richd, I inclose an application, with a blank to be filled up with “to the order of   Librarian of   ” or in any other manner that more conveniently answer[s] the purpose.3 You will of course avail yourself of the friendly offer of Mr. Gordon, as far as his aid may be needful. I observe that he has made a small advance which is to be repaid. He has done the same for a copy of the Act sent me authorizing the Visitors to appt. a Rector, pro. Temp. & which doubles what is due to him.

Draft (DLC). Addressed to “The Proctor”; written below the draft of JM to William Branch Giles, 10 Feb. 1828. The enclosure is JM to Giles, 10 Feb. 1828.

1Letter not found.

2“An act providing for furnishing the University of Virginia with additional books and maps, and for other purposes,” 15 Jan. 1828 (Acts Passed at a General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Begun and Held at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond […] [3 Dec. 1827] [Richmond, 1828]), 14.

3Blanks left in draft.

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