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Results 2001-2050 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have made up packets of Letters for this mornings post, to Wiscasset, to N york, to the Valley...
I was unable to replie to my dear sisters Letter of May 19th. being visited by St Anthony who...
This is a strange world, or rather strange folks make it so, to render the drama compleat....
your Letter of Novbr 16th was an unexpected pleasure, for after yours of october the 13th, I had...
I did not think of your not returning again the next day when you left me, altho we miss you,...
I will not Suffer the year to close upon me without noticeing your repeated favours and thanking...
The Books have come, and never were in the Custom house as I beleive. it was not a Box, but a...
I beleive the post Man thinks us very importent correspondents, as we observed that it was well...
To-morrow will be a fortnight since you left me; I have watched the weather with much solicitude,...
I am indebted to you my dear Madam for three Letters. I have made two attempts before to...
I received your Letter of 17th of the last Evening and rejoiced with trembling. Dr Hoolbrook...
Your kind and Sympathetic Letter demands my thanks, and receives my gratitude. My own loss is not...
We promise ourselves the pleasure of visiting you on fryday next, and hope that a Severe Cold now...
Why my dear Neice so loth to use your pen? But I do not hear from it twice in a year? Altho you...
Having been attacked this morning with a dangerous Complaint, I have requested Louisa to write...
Since I had the pleasure of writing to you, I have received further accounts from our Children,...
My Grandson William Stuben Smith, having returnd from Russia, where he has resided with his uncle...
I thank you for your kind inquiries. I am better to day. I had the Rheumatism in my head, and was...
This day compleats five weeks since my dear Boys embarked for Liverpool, and now I anticipate...
I was most unfortnate in not hearing, untill two Days before the Cartel from N york sailed, that...
I heard of you at Providence from mr Fearno , and I was yesterday informd that the News paper...
How is your Mother to day. what night had She & how is miss Katy & Ruthey? have you procured a...
I received this morning your Letter of the 10th and I have the pleasure to inclose to you a...
The reason that you did not receive a Letter from me when you arrived at Philadelphia, was oweing...
Peace with Algiers, Peace with Algiers did peace ever make a Great Man? Tis war that makes the...
By mistake two of your Shirts were Sent without marking. ask mrs Welsh if She will let her woman...
your favour of July 12th is before me I forward to your kind care a few lines more to my Son...
I return the sermon with my Thanks I had read it before, mr Newton brought it in manuscript to...
I received your Letter by the Mail of yesterday, and by the return of it to day I write you a few...
I think it is full time to take my pen and inquire after your Health, and to assure you that I...
I received your importent Letter so clearly exprest that for some time I was not able to define...
I yesterday received your letter of June 1st. I think letters are longer upon their passage than...
I will not let my dear Boys leave me without taking a few lines to you, my Heart and hands have...
I received two days since your Letter of Febry th 11. it containd information the most agreable...
I wrote to you upon fryday, but I do not now recollect what I have written. I know that my heart...
I take the Liberty of transmitting to you a coppy of a Letter written by my late Brother in Law...
It is a long time since I addresed a Letter to You, and a much longer since I received a Letter...
I congratulate you sir, from my Heart I congratulate my Country, upon the blaize of Glory,...
As I had made up my mind to Submit to the unpleasent circumstances attendent upon distance, and...
I have found the account and inclose it to you. I wish you to inquire of our Tennant whether the...
I this day received your Letter No 75 24th August by way of Newyork—Your Father had received one...
Received Quincy 7th. May 1810 of Thomas B. Adams the sum of Twenty-five Dollars: fifty Cents in...
Did you think that Grandmother would be the first of your Correspondents to write to you? aya She...
I know you will be glad to see my handwriting, and more so, when I tell you that I have rode out...
your Letter of Nov’br 7th allarmd me when I opend it, and Saw that it was in the hand writing of...
While I acknowledge the receipt of your favour of Nov’br 11th, accept my thanks for the kind...
Standing as we do upon the confines of the other world, you at the age of four-score, and I at...
In the absence of your good Lady and daughter, whom I congratulate upon their excursion, I...
with the middle finger of my right hand bound up with a , which you know is very soar, I attempt...
I have not written to you this year! and this is the second month of it, and let us ask the...