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Results 1991-2040 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Yesterdays Mail, My Dear Sister, conveyed your Letter safe to me, with the two Bills—I do not so...
I received a few days ago, and since I wrote you last a letter from Captain William Welsh, dated...
I received your kind letter of the 22d. of Feby. this morning—I have the pleasure to inform you...
I cannot longer be silent while my friends are mourning the death of such a daughter as was our...
It is with high respect that I have the honor to assure you, you have mistaken my “Register” as...
Mr Bagot, or to speak in the style and after the fashion of this Country, the Right Honourable...
Since I last wrote to you, I have received your kind Letters of 27. August, and of 10. June,...
It is among the instances of good fortune which are now & then permitted to accompany the...
I left Cambridge yesterday, after having finished my weekly performance, to come here and meet my...
I feel much obliged my Dear Sister, to the Christian Desciple for the mild, & pacific Principles,...
Your letters, dear Madam, are always welcome, and your requests are commands to me. I only regret...
With the same glow of affection which has for many years been cherished in my bosom, I received...
The John Adams is to sail from the Texel on the 25th: of this Month, and Mr Dallas, who is to be...
By yesterday mail I received your kind letter. It is indeed a great while since we have heard...
I owe you, dear Madam, a thousand thanks for the letters communicated in your favor of Dec. 15....
In behalf of the kindest and best of Brothers I thank you my most respected Cousin for your kind...
As we are on the point of departure and much engaged I can only write to mention that we are all...
I received your kind Letters yesterday by mail, & though I ought soon to have expected such an...
Every Day, & Week since my return, I have thought I would devote some time to write to my Dear...
A Day since I saw Mrs Harrod & she informed me that you had thoughts of making us a visit, & to...
My thanks are due to you My Dear Friend for a letter of the 1st. & it would afford me much...
I received your letter enclosing one addressed to Mr. Adams, and presented it to the Secretary of...
Your kind Letters of 20 May and 4 June have been received together with others to my wife and the...
It is a long time my Dear Sister, since I have written to you; but I consider it a priviledge...
I was in hopes of receiving a Letter by yesterdays Mail from you—I was glad to see by the News...
Although I have not written since receiving your favors of July 12th., & August 2nd., yet my...
My health has been so indifferent and the City is so flat since the adjourment of Congress that I...
I have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your Letter of the 30th. of June, and enclose...
I received your letter yesterday, which informed me of yours, & Mrs Smith’s intended visit, & am...
After a pleasant although extremely fatiguing journey we have safely arrived at Mrs. Hellens were...
Upon receipt of your kind letter of the 17th. ulto. I was too deeply afflicted by the information...
It would be impossible for me to tell you how disappointed, grieved, vexed, & everything, I was,...
I could not my dear Mrs Adams hear of the sudden death of your beloved Sister, without...
I want words to express the grateful feelings of my heart for your kind sympathy on our late...
I have your letter of the 22d. of march, and am much gratified that my enquiries and...
By last Friday mail, I received your very excellent Letter, wherein you observe, it was thought a...
I began to be quite uneasy at your long silence my and was much pleased to find by your Letter of...
My dearly beloved, & only Sister, for the “threefold silken Cord is broken ” To what an unusual...
We have been some time now without receiving Letters from you, although we have heard of you from...
If my last Letter should reach you before this, my ever dear and affectionate mother, you will...
The year eighteen hundred and ten according to Russian reckoning still exists—But as its last...
The arrival of Mr Bayard, & Galatin, my dear Madam, has made so little alteration in our...
I have delay’d answering your very kind letter owing to my Baby’s having been very seriously sick...
During the last two years, the unwelcome task has too often been allotted to you, to communicate...
It would have been a greatr gratification to me if I could have announced to you before this time...
It is so long since I have had one hour of leisure that I could appropriate to correspondence...
For some time past I have been wishing to have the pleasure of writing to you, to express my...
10 Mr Adams attended the funeral of Mr Astor’s grandson on arriving at Mr Astors the old...
Your last Letter was indeed flattering to me. eminently as you are gifted with the talent of...
I find, from a conversation with Mr Monroe, that it is not the intention of government to send...