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Results 1991-2000 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favor of Ocr. 27. has been some time on hand, tho’ it met with delays, after it got into port. My health in which you take so kind an interest was as reported interrupted by a severe, tho’ short attack, but is now very good. I hope yours is so without having suffered any interruption. I wish I could give you fuller & better accounts of the Monticello affairs. Neither Virginia, nor any...
Your note of the 12th reached me on saturday last. The package to which it refers is safe and has been too long in my hands. It was given to me by Mr Sparks in Boston during the month of October last. I reached my own dwelling in November, & late as it was I was unwilling to forego the hope that I might be the bearer of it myself to Montpelier. Unexpected duties called me from home in December...
A knowledge of the deep and lively interest you take in the literature and science of our country, is the reason of my troubling you with this letter. I am about to make an effort to procure from the legislature of Kentucky additional funds for the uses of Transylvania university. To aid me in this, a knowledge of the amount of monies granted by other States to similar institutions, will be...
Another mail has arrived, since my last to you, without bringing me any letter from Judge Brooke. I infer, that you have experienc’d, the same result. It is impossible therefore, to form any just estimate, of the time, when we shall receive the promised official communication. I am inform’d, by some, in whom I have perfect confidence, that the impression is daily gaining strength, that we mean...
Since your retirement to private life though under the influence of the most vidvidly [ sic ] kind & re[s]pectful feelings towards you I have fore-born to intrude upon you any communication. I could not expect that a citizen who had borne so long and so conspicuous a part in our councils & whose intercourse had been so extensive among men would not have suflicient [ sic ] calls on his...
In the uncertain State of the fund lodged with the Barings, I have enclosed to Mr. Gallatin a letter to that House requesting it to pay a draft from the American Minister at Paris not exceeding £100, and another to the Minister authorizing him, to make the draft, and place the same or as much thereof as may be required in the hands of Docr. Miguel, or such other person as you should name,...
You probably know that a sum of about £2000 St: was placed by Mr. Jefferson in the hands of the Barings, subject to the order of the American Minister in London, for the use of the University of Virginia. Of this deposit, it appears from the information of Mr. King late Secretary of Legation, there remained on the 24th. of June 1826. a balance of £986.18.4. Be so obliging as to inform me,...
I have recd. with your letter of the 5th. a copy of the “Report to the High School Society of N. York,” for which I return my thanks. No feature in the aspect of our country is more gratifying than the increase and variety of Institutions for educating the several ages & classes of the rising generation, and the meritorious patriotism, which improving on the most improved forms, extends the...
I received your several communications, addressed to me in Richmond—and together with our Colleagues there Mr. Johnson & Mr. Cabell, deliberated upon them. In relation to Doctor Jones, it was finally agreed to suspend further proceedings until July—and I accordingly wrote him the accompanying letter. Mr. Loyall had previously assented to the suspension of this appointment in a letter to Mr....
Yours of the 5th. has been receivd, in which you intimate the expectation, of receiving by the mail of that day, a letter from Judge Brooke. I indulged a hope of receiving one from him, about that time, containing the official notification of our nomination, but instead thereof, I recd. a private one, apprizing me of his arrival in Richmond, and that he should write me, the official note, as...