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Results 1991-2040 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favor of Ocr. 27. has been some time on hand, tho’ it met with delays, after it got into...
Your note of the 12th reached me on saturday last. The package to which it refers is safe and has...
A knowledge of the deep and lively interest you take in the literature and science of our...
Another mail has arrived, since my last to you, without bringing me any letter from Judge Brooke....
Since your retirement to private life though under the influence of the most vidvidly [ sic ]...
In the uncertain State of the fund lodged with the Barings, I have enclosed to Mr. Gallatin a...
You probably know that a sum of about £2000 St: was placed by Mr. Jefferson in the hands of the...
I have recd. with your letter of the 5th. a copy of the “Report to the High School Society of N....
I received your several communications, addressed to me in Richmond—and together with our...
Yours of the 5th. has been receivd, in which you intimate the expectation, of receiving by the...
¶ From Martin Van Buren. Letter not found. 13 February 1828. One-page letter offered for sale in...
I have recd. yours of the 7th. on the subject of the balance due on my note in your hands. I am...
Called to Charlottesville on business, I stop a moment, to send you an extract from a few lines...
I have recd. your letter of the 7th. on the subject of the Books Maps &c assigned to the Uny by a...
The Executive of the Commonwealth are respectfully requested to cause to be delivered to the...
I inclose a letter from Mr. Egan covering a letter from Mr. Giles to the Visitors, and copy of a...
I have recd. Sir, yours of the 1st. instant, inclosing a letter from Mr. Giles to the Visitors of...
I avail myself of the earliest moment, since the Proceedings and Address to the People of...
I have reccd. your letter of the it. inst: & very sincerely regret the adverse occurrences which...
A letter of late date from Mr. Sparks, informs me that you were so obliging as to take charge of...
Yours of the 29th. Ult: was recd. by the last mail. I have not yet heard from Judge Brook, but...
The interest which your connection with the University of Virginia shews that you feel in the...
Since mine of the 26. ult: which I hope got safe to hand, I have recd. yours of the 29th.: since...
Your goodness will, I feel assured, pardon me for troubling you with this letter. Since your...
The servant overtook Mr R. So that you received your tardy letters yesterday evening. I now send...
My Father having received an injury in his hand which prevents his writing, has desired me to...
I have recd. your favor of the 21st. covering a copy of your first Report to the Legislature of...
As supplementary to the testimonials in favour of Mr Ritchie, which I last week had the honour to...
To my great mortification, I learn this evening that Mr Randolph left Edge-hill after dinner, for...
On the 24th of February I acknowleged your good letter of the 25th of the preceding November,...
I have just receiv’d yours of the 23d., and by the same mail, a second, from Judge Brooke, the...
I have been expecting by every mail for a week past, an answer to a letter I wrote you on the...
Know all men that we James Madison and Nelly C. Willis of the county of Orange and state of...
The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia owe to Thomas Jefferson Randolph , Trustee...
Your favours of the 18th have been duly recd. I am sorry you thought an apology necessary for the...
I have recd. your letter of the 20th. The view you give of the usefulness of Dr. Barbers Lectures...
I recd. by the last mail yours of the 18th. You were not more surprized than I had a right to be...
In the letter, which I had the honour to address to you on the 29th. November, I mentioned that I...
I am very sorry that it will not be in my power to leave home tomorrow; but as it is desirable...
I take the Liberty of transmitting herewith, the first annual report of the Superintendent of...
The Proctor has communicated to me certain resolutions of the Faculty, which as he says he has...
I have duly received, with your note of the 10th. the little volume entitled “The Talisman,” the...
I presume you have heard, that both of us, are plac’d on the electoral ticket, by the convention,...
I am utterly ashamed of myself for having kept you waiting so long for letters which you have,...
You will perceive in the accompanying paper, one of your ideas thrown into print. The origin of...
My very high respect & esteem & personal attachment for you, make it my Duty to say, that a Day...
I return my thanks Sir for the copy of a Report on the question of reducing the Laws of S....
Yours of the 8th. inst. stating the sales of my flour has been recd. It will now be convenient...
Recollecting that there must have been associates in the biographical commemoration of the act of...
It is with great reluctance that I have prevailed upon myself to address you—on the subject of...