George Washington Papers

Orders, 19 June 1756


Parole: —Fairfax.

Winchester—Saturday, June 19th 1756.

A court martial to sit immediately to try all prisoners that shall be brought before them. Captain Woodward—President.

Lieutenant Bullet } Members { Lieutenant Brockenbrough
Ensign Milner Ensign Weedon

The Prisoner, Campbell,1 now under sentence of Death, (with the following prisoners, to be moved from the Guard-House to the Goal vizt). Lockhart, Pritchard and Yates2—where the officer of the Guard is to order proper centries over them—and is likewise to visit them frequently both day and night; and examine their chains narrowly.

Lieutenant Brockenbrough for Guard to-morrow.


1For the trial and sentencing of Sgt. Henry Campbell, see Orders and Court-Martial, both 18 May, GW to Dinwiddie, 23 May, and Dinwiddie to GW, 27 May 1756.

2In July 1756 Andrew Lockhart was sentenced to 400 lashes, William Pritchard to 1,000 lashes and to be “drummed out of the Regiment with a halter ’round his neck,” and Robert Yates to 1,000 lashes (After Orders, 6 July 1756). Lockhart, a 19-year-old carpenter from Hampshire County, had been reported a deserter from Robert Spotswood’s company in January. He was back in Spotswood’s company in July, however. On his return of 31 May Lt. Col. Adam Stephen reported “Lockard & P⟨rutcard⟩” as prisoners. A Robert Yeats enlisted in David Bell’s company in Albemarle County in March 1756. Bell’s company size roll of 13 July 1756 identifies Yeats as a 36-year-old collier from England.

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