James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Nancy Tapscott, 27 February 1828

To Nancy Tapscott

Feby 27. 28


I have recd. your letter of Jany 28.1 to which I can only answer by referring you to mine of Novr. 26. 1826.2 & by informing you that a power of Attorney is given by Mrs. Willis & myself to J. H. Lee Esqr.3 who will I am sure exercise it with every disposition to consult your interest & advantage that may be consistent with our just claims & reasonable expectations under the covenant entered into by Mr. Tabscott & Mr. Bell. It may be proper to remind you, that the partial deeds promised had reference to & to such an adjustment between you & Mr. Bell as would not impair the covenanted obligation of both. It will be well, if not already done, to communicate the letter abovementioned to Mr Lee, who is referred to in one I have just written to him. My letter of July 29th 1826 to Mr. Tapscott may also be shewn to him. I tender you Madam my respects & my friendly sympathies.

Draft (owned by Charles M. Storey, Boston, Mass., 1961).

1Letter not found.

2Letter not found.

3Power of Attorney to John H. Lee, 28 Jan. 1828.

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