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Results 1981-2010 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ October 6, 1792. On November 3, 1792, Tench Coxe wrote to Polk: “The Secretary of the Treasury...
I have the honor to transmit inclosed a copy of the letter I have received this day, from Tobias...
I have taken the liberty of enclosing you copies of sundry letters relative to the designs of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Jackson presents his Compliments to Mr. Franklin, with...
It is now a considerable length of time since we became with you Trustees for the Creditors of...
[ Philadelphia, July 27, 1779. On July 29, 1779, Henry Laurens wrote to Hamilton : “In addition...
Doubting not but it will appear Strange and great presumtion in me who are a mean Mechanic to...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Hawkins & his thanks for the trouble he has taken in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the Conveyance of our friend Mr. Watson whose Letter I...
From the particular recommendations of General Du Portail—and from my own particular...
Th Jefferson returns his thanks to D r Sewall for the information he has been so kind as to...
Your favor of Nov. 6. was recieved in due time. a press of business has prevented my answering...
I have always proposed to re-appoint Genl. Gibson to his present office, wherein I hear of no...
As Messrs. Staphorst had to send the Prospectus of the Loan, with assurance of our respect to...
As the extraordinary letter enclosed has been made public by the legislative board, I have been...
In your name & behalf Mr Laurens, as he passed thro’ this State last Month on his way from the...
1997General Orders, 14 November 1775 (Washington Papers)
This moment a confirmation is arrived, of the glorious Success of the Continental Arms, in the...
Your esteemed favor of the 24th. Inst. came duly to hand, & on Saturday morning next, one of my...
I recieve here your fav r of the 16 th and am equally mortified at my own inattention to furnish...
Charles Scott .  Fluvanna . Col o  John Clarke .  Powhatan . George Fleming   Louisa . } of great...
Letter not found. 13 November 1789, Havre de Grace, France. Mentioned in JM to James Madison,...
Since my last I have waited with Impatience to hear from you. I mean Individually. The public...
200317. (Adams Papers)
Snow storm. Went to Salem. Supp’d at Amory’s.
Mr Jefferson has been good enough to Send me the enclosed Pamphlet An history of the restoration...
The Committee appointed by the House of Representatives to consider, and report upon, the...
I left at Washington a great coat of which I shall have great need. should this reach you before...
Treasury Department, August 13, 1793. “I have directed the Treasurer of the United States, to...
I have heretofore directed my letters for Poplar forest by the way of Lynchburg but find them...
AL : American Philosophical Society [Brook Street, Feb. 4, (1768?). An invitation to dinner on...
I have now the honor to inclose a copy of Mr. Gerry’s letter of April 20. to M. Talleyrand, which...