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Results 1981-2010 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am recently returned from an Excursion to Europe with my Family, which has lasted about 15...
Allow me to have the honor to present You with the present again with a new publication of mine...
I have recd. your letter of Jany 28. to which I can only answer by referring you to mine of Novr....
I have just received your letter of 14th inst. When Mr King left England, he transferred to my...
Your favor of the 7th: of January came safely to hand. I trust you have before this time received...
Your two letters of the 13 & 15th. inst came together by the last mail (sunday evening) too late...
Since the institution of “Madison College” in this place, a Society has been formed called the...
I received yours of the 9. Inst. covering Mr. Egans letter, & the accompanying recommendations of...
The mail of last evening brought me your circular communication, by which I am informed of my...
J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Van Buren, thanks him for the copy of his Speech in behalf...
Your favor of Ocr. 27. has been some time on hand, tho’ it met with delays, after it got into...
Your note of the 12th reached me on saturday last. The package to which it refers is safe and has...
A knowledge of the deep and lively interest you take in the literature and science of our...
Another mail has arrived, since my last to you, without bringing me any letter from Judge Brooke....
Since your retirement to private life though under the influence of the most vidvidly [ sic ]...
In the uncertain State of the fund lodged with the Barings, I have enclosed to Mr. Gallatin a...
You probably know that a sum of about £2000 St: was placed by Mr. Jefferson in the hands of the...
I have recd. with your letter of the 5th. a copy of the “Report to the High School Society of N....
I received your several communications, addressed to me in Richmond—and together with our...
Yours of the 5th. has been receivd, in which you intimate the expectation, of receiving by the...
¶ From Martin Van Buren. Letter not found. 13 February 1828. One-page letter offered for sale in...
I have recd. yours of the 7th. on the subject of the balance due on my note in your hands. I am...
Called to Charlottesville on business, I stop a moment, to send you an extract from a few lines...
I have recd. your letter of the 7th. on the subject of the Books Maps &c assigned to the Uny by a...
The Executive of the Commonwealth are respectfully requested to cause to be delivered to the...
I inclose a letter from Mr. Egan covering a letter from Mr. Giles to the Visitors, and copy of a...
I have recd. Sir, yours of the 1st. instant, inclosing a letter from Mr. Giles to the Visitors of...
I avail myself of the earliest moment, since the Proceedings and Address to the People of...
I have reccd. your letter of the it. inst: & very sincerely regret the adverse occurrences which...
A letter of late date from Mr. Sparks, informs me that you were so obliging as to take charge of...