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Results 1981-2030 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
198114 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Drank Tea at Mr. Putnams. Spent the Evening at the Majors, with Esqrs. Chandler of Woodstock and Brewer of Worcester.—He is not a wise man and is unfit to fill any important Station in Society, that has left one Passion in his Soul unsubdued. The Love of Glory will make a General sacrifice the Interest of his Nation, to his own Fame. Avarice exposes some to Corruption and all to a Thousand...
Inclosed are the Returns of the Company Untill this date that goes by the party for the pay. It is strange that Majr Lewis should Mistake his Instructions in refusing to pay arrears to any but the Men originally belonging to his Company. Lt Collo. Stevens who was pay mastr at that time can Inform you how I Came to have 2 Mos. Arrears due more than the other officers vizt from 29th Octr till...
198315 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Consider, for one minute, the Changes produced in this Country, within the Space of 200 years. Then, the whole Continent was one continued dismall Wilderness, the haunt of Wolves and Bears and more savage men. Now, the Forests are removed, the Land coverd with fields of Corn, orchards bending with fruit, and the magnificent Habitations of rational and civilized People. Then our Rivers flowed...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I can now only acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of Feb. 12, 21, 24, 29, and April 1. together with two Boxes, containing Parcels for the Library and John Bartram, all safe and deliver’d. Enclos’d is a 2d Bill for £20 Sterling; the first went in March. When receiv’d please to credit my private Account with it. I send also two other Bills of £50...
ALS : Royal Society of Arts The above is a Copy of my Letter sent you last Year, to which having receiv’d no Answer, I imagine it by some means miscarried. I shall write to my good Friend and Correspondent Mr. Collinson to pay the 20 Guineas therein mentioned, to your Treasurer Mr. Goodchild. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant Endorsed: Benjn. Franklin Esqr. Lre [Letter] Phil: 27. Novr. 1755...
ALS : Yale University Library I have the pleasure of Advising you of the Safe Arrivall of Genl. Abercrombie, with the Transports, Except Two, who they parted with in a very Dark Night, Not a Man Sick among those that are Arrivd. The Tents &c. being all on Board the ships not Arrivd it is Said the Troops are to be Landed this Day. The German Officers Came in the Last Pacquett, and are all...
I desire You to send me a List of the Volunteers ⟨You are⟩ to appoint to the Vacancies in Your Regiment—& the Number of Draughts from the Militia, which I am sorry to think will be much fewer than I expected. As the Regimt will be pretty much divided in Forts &ca I thot it proper & necessary to appoint Mr Boyd the Pay-Mr, Muster Master, by which on paying the Men he will be able to make an...
ALS : Huntington Library; draft: American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 10th. Instant came safe to Hand, but I was not at Home when it came here; being over the Mountains visiting some of the Forts and Companies there. And since my Return have been very busily employed in making out the Returns of the several Companies of the first Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment, by Order of...
1989Orders, 19 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
A court martial to sit immediately to try all prisoners that shall be brought before them. Captain Woodward—President. Lieutenant Bullet } Members { Lieutenant Brockenbrough Ensign Milner Ensign Weedon The Prisoner, Campbell, now under sentence of Death, (with the following prisoners, to be moved from the Guard-House to the Goal vizt). Lockhart, Pritchard and Yates —where the officer of the...
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 19 June 1756. On 20 June 1756 Stewart wrote to GW: “I last night had the pleasure of receiving your favours of Yesterday.”
199120 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Supped and spent the Evening at the Majors.
1992Orders, 20 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
Officers of Companies to see their men divided into proper messes which are to consist of six or seven men each—and the Officer to be present at the serving of each mess, to prevent the men being wronged in making their divisions: as there have been several complaints of that kind made by the men. LB , DLC:GW .
Letter not found: to John Carlyle, 20 June 1756. On 22 Jan. 1757 Carlyle wrote to GW: “. . . Yr Letter of June The 20th.”
I last night had the pleasure of receiving your favours of Yesterday and am glad you are safely return’d The Spirrit of Desertion was of late so prevalent here, that I once dreaded no other expediant than Hanging or shooting could affectually crush it. One Rollins who keeps a little tippling House here is in some measure the cause of that infamous and pernicious practice when I first arrived...
1995Orders, 21–22 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Rolls of Captains Harrison and Woodwards companies—setting their age, size, place of Birth, complexion, occupation, &c. to be ready for Colonel Washington by four o’clock this afternoon. When the Draughts are drawn out to Exercise this Evening, the Adjutant is to read the articles of war to them; and to be particular in explaining those against Mutiny, Desertion, Drunkenness, and neglect...
199621 Monday. (Adams Papers)
A cool Day.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Capt. Orndt having informed the Commissioners, that there are a Number of the Province Arms at Bethlehem, under your Care, which he thinks are better than those belonging to his Company; they have given him Leave to take his Choice of those Arms, and directed him to return as many of those he now has, in the Room of those he shall take. I am Sir your humble...
199822 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A rainy Day. Drank Tea and spent Evening at Put nam’s .
ADS : Huntington Library It has been proposed to keep in constant Readiness a Number of Riders and Horses at different Parts of the Continent, viz. at New York 4, at Philadelphia 3, at in Connecticut 2, at Boston 2, and some in the intermediate Stages. These to be always ready to go at a Moment’s Warning, with Dispatches for the King’s Service. This Method will doubtless answer the End, with...
Letter not found: to William Fairfax, 22 June 1756. On 10 July 1756 Fairfax wrote to GW: “I receiv’d Yrs of the 22d ulto.”
Letter not found: to Robert Stewart, 22 June 1756. On 23 June 1756 Stewart wrote to GW: “I just recd yours of yesterday.”
200223 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went with Mr. Thayer and Mrs. Willard, to Mr. Richardsons of Sutton.
2003Orders, 23 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Regimental Court martial to sit immediately for trial of the prisoners, confined on suspicion of desertion. If the Surgeon thinks corporal Wilson is yet able to bear the rest of his punishment, he is to receive it this Evening at Retreat Beating. The prisoners march to beat every morning at daybreak, instead of the Revillé: and the Workmen are immediately to repair to the Fort, where the...
I just recd yours of yesterday by Rollines and upon Examination it appears that what he complain’d off to you are literally as follows Vizt. Amongst the other precautions I had taken to prevent Drunkeness and Irregularity which by Rollines’s means then became prevalent amongst the Soldiers here, I order’d the Officer of the Guard to visit the Tippling House every Night sometime after Tatoo...
Spent the Evening at the Colonels. Presumably the text of this entry pertains to the last day in the heading (Sunday, 27 June).
2006Orders, 24 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
Letter not found: from William Fleming, 24 June 1756. On 21 July 1756 GW wrote to Fleming and refers to “Yours of the 24th ultimo.”
2008Orders, 25 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Regimental court martial to sit immediately for trial of John Gale and Edward Bull. Colonel Washington has been pleased to remit corporal Wilsons punishment: and he is to be released. Henry Campbell, for Desertion, is to be shot on sunday morning at seven of the clock. James Kelly and John Hoggan, of the Virginia Regiment—Amos Bentley and William Evans, Draughts from the militia; being...
I doubt not but your Honour will be as much surprized, as I have been concerned and vexed at my stay here. When I left Williamsburgh, I did it with a design to proceed with the utmost expedition to Fort Cumberland. In order thereto, I arrived at Fredericksburgh to Dinner, the day after I left your Honour, at one o’clock; and gave the officer, posted at that place, a list of such tools as were...
I was in hope that by Garrisoning the Forts with part of the Militia, we should have been able to have mustered a greater number of Soldiers to work upon the Forts that are to be built: But I am under the greatest apprehensions, that all who are now up will desert: They go off in twenties—and all threaten to return, if they are not relieved in a very short time, or discharged. Many...
Letter not found: from Peter Hog, 25 June 1756. On 21 July 1756 (first letter) GW wrote to Hog: “I received your several letters of the 14th 25th & 26th ultimo.”
2012Orders, 26 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the Officers—except Captain Peachy, Lieutenant Bullet, and Ensign McCarty; with all the Soldiers—except those who Captain Mercer shall chuse out of his own company—and Draughts, except those upon Captain Peachy’s Rolls: and the Smiths and Masons are to hold themselves in readiness to march to Fort Cumberland to-morrow. All the Soldiers and Draughts to attend the execution of Campbell...
It is Colonel Washingtons Orders that you send off all the Officers at Fredericksburgh to this place—except one Subaltern, whom you are to keep there in case more draughts should arrive. What Draughts are now with you, must be marched up by the Officers coming to this place. Lieutenant Lowry is the Subaltern who is to remain with you. I am &c. LB , DLC:GW . For the recruits being conducted to...
Refering to mine of the 14th Instant this Comes Express by Corporal Smith to Inform you that When I had Drawn up the Men on the parade to Acquaint them of the Arrival of their pay for 5 Mos., they all Exclaimed because their Cloaths were not Sent along with their pay; Saying they were Imposed on & Cheated out of their 2d. ⅌ day: that the sd Arrears of 2d. ⅌ day had run now almost 18 Months &...
2015Orders, 27 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Troops are not to march until to-morrow morning at six o’clock —They are to be served with five days provisions for their march—and to be served with Biscuit. The Commissary is to have the waggons loaded this Evening; and they are to apply to the Officer of the Guard, for Centries to be placed over them. The Officers must make out the Returns for Provisions, immediately. After Orders. A...
Letter not found: from John McNeill, 27 June 1756. On 21 July 1756 GW wrote to McNeill: “I have yours of the 27th ultimo.”
201728 Monday. (Adams Papers)
28 Monday.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received here your Letter of extravagant Thanks, which put me in mind of the Story of the Member of Parliament, who began one of his Speeches with saying, he thank’d God he was born and bred a Presbyterian; on which another took leave to observe, that the Gentleman must needs be of a most grateful Disposition, since he was thankful for such very small...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received here your Favour of the 19th Instant, with a Copy of your Remarks in Reviewing the Forts, for which I am much obliged to you; and I hope the Governor and Commissioners will immediately take the necessary Measures to remedy every thing that you found amiss. I think you hazarded your self with too small Escorts, and am glad you got safe through. It...
2020Orders, 28 June 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Troops are not to march until to-morrow morning at five o’clock —It is expected that every thing will be in readiness at that time, that no further delays may happen. A Court of Enquiry, to consist of all the Captains in town and Subalterns, to sit immediately, to examine into the dispute between Adjutant Livingston and Commissary Rutherford—Ensign McCarty and Mr Paris: All Evidences to...
As I am very unwell and our numbers decreasing here I propose going home tomorrow, & Shall go to Fredericksburg as soon as I am able to Settle my affairs there. I have given Mr Rutherford 216.17.8 in gold and paper which sum is as much or more than I had in my hands of the Publick money[.] when that is gone any sum may think proper to supply him with for the publick Service I will be...
Drafts: American Philosophical Society Because of Franklin’s increasing involvement in the bitter political disputes in Pennsylvania during 1755–56, Thomas Penn, Governor Morris, and others tried to deprive him of his lucrative office of deputy postmaster general which he held at the Crown’s pleasure. Early in July 1756, he probably defended himself in a long letter (now lost) to his immediate...
Last Night I recd Yrs of the 25th Ulto —I am sorry for the Delay of the Waggon with the Tools, probably occasion’d by the badness of the Horses, but I hope e’er this they are with You. I approve of Your consulting at a Council of War in regard to building of Forts, which I fear will be attended with very great Delays from the small number of Men You have, & I think it will not be proper to...
I rec’d Yrs by a Messenger sent by Captn Hamilton who I observe acquainted You He came down from his Post in quest of 12. Men that had deserted, but did not I suppose let You know that He intendd home whither He is come as signified by his Letter without any Leave mentiond I have therefore ordered his imediate Return and to notifie to the Deserters who He probably knows that if They dont also...
ALS : Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston; duplicate: Yale University Library Being here, I take this Opportunity per the Packet Boat, to write you a Line, acknowledging the Receipt of your Favour of March 13. and of the Brevier Fount, which is come to Hand in good Order, and pleases Mr. Hall and me very much. I am much indebted to you for your Care in that matter, as well as many others....
ALS : The John Rylands Library, Manchester I received your Favour of the 24th. of February with great Pleasure, as it inform’d me of your Welfare, and express’d your continu’d Regard for me. I thank you for the Pamphlet you enclos’d to me. As we had just observ’d a Provincial Fast on the same Occasion, I thought it very seasonable to be publish’d in Pensilvania, and accordingly reprinted it...
I recd your favours by Capt. Gist and agreeable thereto Capt. Bell, he, their Ensigns & Men Marches this day for Fort Cumberland Capt. Gist could not get ready sooner there now remains here only the Sick and my own Men, who till within these few days have been all well and are now turning Sick when the Duty is become hardest, theres 3 of them Sick 2 Lame and 1 Confin’d for Mutiny; I have sent...
2028Orders, 5 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial, to consist of one Field Officer, four Captains, and eight Subalterns, to sit immediately, for trial of Lieutenant King for misconduct and neglect of Duty. Lieutenant Colonel Stephen, President—Mr Kirkpatrick—Judge-Advocate. The pay master is to apply to the several Officers commanding companies for pay-rolls for all the men, except the Draughts; that were paid off at...
2029Memorandum, 5 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial Held at Fort Cumberland, July 5th 1756. Lieutenant Colonel Adam Stephen—President Captain Cocke Captain Bronaugh Captain Woodward LB , DLC:GW . This apparently incomplete entry is out of place in GW’s letter book, appearing after the After Orders of 6 July. See Orders, 5 July 1756 , and 6, 7, 8 July 1756 .
2030Orders, 6–8 July 1756 (Washington Papers)
The General Court martial, whereof Lieutenant Colonel Stephen was President, is dissolved. Colonel Washington has approved of the Sentence of the said Court—which was, that Lieutenant King had been guilty of Disobedience of Orders; and consequently of a Breach of the fifth article of the second section of War: But, in consideration of his inexperience, and this being the first Detachment he...