Results 1981-1990 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am recently returned from an Excursion to Europe with my Family, which has lasted about 15 months, after an absence of more than 20 Years from that part of the World. Of the various interesting objects pursued there, all of which must gradually rise to importance in our Country, I found none in which a greater practical progress had been made than the Science of Geology; all the intellectual...
Allow me to have the honor to present You with the present again with a new publication of mine intended to diffuse interest for a science the general utility of which is as universally acknowledged as it is, desirable to extend it in this country. A popular exposition of the system of the Universe, which I should feel happy if my desire of rendering this study agreable had the success that...
I have recd. your letter of Jany 28. to which I can only answer by referring you to mine of Novr. 26. 1826. & by informing you that a power of Attorney is given by Mrs. Willis & myself to J. H. Lee Esqr. who will I am sure exercise it with every disposition to consult your interest & advantage that may be consistent with our just claims & reasonable expectations under the covenant entered into...
I have just received your letter of 14th inst. When Mr King left England, he transferred to my credit the unexpended balance of the £2000 which had been remitted on account of the University of Virginia. I made sundry payments and in like manner, on my leaving London, I transferred the unexpended balance, amounting to about £300 as far as I can recollect, to the credit of the Secretary of...
Your favor of the 7th: of January came safely to hand. I trust you have before this time received the packet of letters sent by Col. Storrow. Had any accident befallen them I think he would have informed me. It is probable he has waited for a safe conveyance. I have written him on the subject. As all Genl. Washington’s papers are put up in chests, and deposited in the safety vault of an...
Your two letters of the 13 & 15th. inst came together by the last mail (sunday evening) too late to be answered by its return on monday morning. I had recd. the printed circular of Judge Brooke notifying our Electoral nominations, on thursday last, but in the night, & not to be answered by the return Mail, which passes our post office, between 5 & 6 miles distant, by day light. The printed...
Since the institution of “Madison College” in this place, a Society has been formed called the “Madison Literary Society” composed of the Students And a number of the young men of town, whose object is the promotion of “Literature Friendship and Morality.” As the friend and patron of Said object and in consequence of the very high Estimation in which you are held by the Members of the...
I received yours of the 9. Inst. covering Mr. Egans letter, & the accompanying recommendations of him, for Mr. Longs Chair. As I shall have no opportunity of placing these papers in the hands of our Colleagues but through the post, which I agree with you might be hazardous, I shall take the safer course of placing them in the custody of the Secretary to the Board of Visitors, at my next visit...
The mail of last evening brought me your circular communication, by which I am informed of my being nominated by the Convention at Richmond on the 8th. of Jany. one of the Electors recommended for the next appointment of Chief Magistrate of the U. States. Whilst I express the great respect I feel to be due to my fellow Citizens composing that assembly, I must request that another name be...
J. Madison, with his respects to Mr. Van Buren, thanks him for the copy of his Speech in behalf of the surviving Officers of the Revolutionary Army. They are very fortunate in having such able advocates. It is a painful reflection, that after all that can now be done, so much of the price of Independence, should be left for the pages of history as a charge against the justice & gratitude of...