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Results 1971-1980 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favor of Aug. 29. came to hand on the 3d. but no commission for Chisman is come to hand from mr Wagner. it shall be signed as soon as recieved, as my information relative to him is favorable. I return you all the papers recieved in your last except the list of warrants. with respect to Sproat you will do what you find best. the Circular letter has my entire approbation. I have written by...
Mr Lincoln has been here for several Days past— Tomorrow he intends to return to Hingham, & has offered to carry a Letter to either of my Sisters— I would not let so good an Opportunity pass, since I have often experienced how good, & how pleasant it was to receive a few Lines from a dear Friend, informing me of particular Circumstances which are interesting to them, whether it be of Joy, or...
Letter not found. Ca. 23 November 1793. Mentioned in JM to James Madison, Sr., 25 Nov. 1793 : “I wrote from Fredg. by Col: Monroe’s servant & informed you that I had left with Mr. Jones £18–12–5 which would be del[i]vered to your order.”
I rejoice with you, in the Testimony of approbation given to a very meritorious Character. If they burn in one City to acknowledge American Independence, it is to be hoped, that the virtuous flame will Soon extend itself to all others. I am vastly obliged to the Duke de la Vauguion for the Service he did our Cause and for the many noble Compliments which, I learn from Sure Sources, he was...
Regularity and method are so essential to the acquisition of real knowledge that the little annoyance of the Bell is a trifle to the good consequences which its sound produces when it reminds you that certain duties are to be performed at certain times—The human mind requires an incessant spur or stimulus to invigorate its action or more properly speaking to force it into certain channels...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by JM, “Madison Js Revd. Oct. 3. 1782.” Cover missing. I recd. your last, wherein you tell me of the Remembrance of some of my French Acquaintances. I really thought many of them Men of distinguished Merit, tho’ my Acquaintance with them, from our Trip to the Mountains was but short. Does Peace really retire, or are we too sanguine in our Hopes. Is it not...
1977[Diary entry: 6 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
6. Colo. Harrison & Colo. Lee went away, as did Mrs. Barnes & Miss Ramsay after Breakfast.
Mrs Washington, accompanied by Doctr Craik, are on their way to Virginia—Business of mine will require their stay in Philadelpa— perhaps a week—during this time they will rely upon you for the care & expence of keeping their Horses while they are in the City ; and I shall thank you for such other assistance as Mrs Washington may require & shall call upon you for. I am Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt...
1979[Diary entry: 3 January 1771] (Washington Papers)
3. The above Gentlemen stayed all day and Night. My Brother John and Mr. Lawe. Washington came here to Dinner.
I have recieved your favour of February 23rd and thank you for the friendly as well as the complimentary sentiments expressed in it It has been now and then my fortune in the course of a long life, though not frequently to receive a compliment. yours is a pleasant one; and as an instance of adversity seldom comes alone, so I have observed that an instance of prosperity is seldom quite...