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Results 1971-1980 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1971[Section Title] (Adams Papers)
Section Title A Journal from the time I left Ferrol to the time I left Coronna.
This morning I took a walk about the town to see and found that it was a much more pleasant town than Ferrol. The Chamber which I lodge in comands a beautiful prospect of Rocks and mountains and also a fine view right out to sea and a small part of the town. There is a tour tower in the city, but I have not been to see it. Pappa has seen it to day and I beleive I shall go with Mr Thaxter and...
1973Friday 17th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to see the tour de fer (as the French call it and the spaniards Tour d’hercule). It is 100 foot in height and perhaps 2000 years old. There is an inscription which I have not seen for I could not go in which runs thus “Marti et Augusto sacrum. Dedicated to Mars and Augustus." Pappa supposes that it was built by Augustus Caesar just after he had routed Brutus, and Cassius,...
1974Saturday 18th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to the French Consul’s and from there to the Governor’s of this place. We saw Mr. Logonare at the Con­ suls. We gave him a Letter and carry another to the Governor’s and gave it to him. He said he would give us a Passport this afternoon or to morrow and that it was impossible to go till monday. Very fine weather. I look’d this morning out of our chamber window and saw a...
1975Sunday 19th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon we all went to the Consuls where we dined. There were 16 Gentlemen 51 dishes, and 20 different sorts of Wines. As we came home brother Charles led me a wrong way and we were near an hour before we found our lodgings but at last we found them. Very rainy and a Great deal of wind all day. I beleive that there is a heavy Gale of wind at sea.
1976Monday 20th. (Adams Papers)
Very rainy all this forenoon. This morning Pappa, Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen and Mr. Thaxter went to Court to see and hear the mode of pleading in this country. At about noon it clear’d up. This afternoon I went to the Consuls after the Inscription on the “tour de fer.” He told me that he not got it yet but that he expected to have it to day. He also told me he should come to see my Pappa, and...
1977Tuesday 21st. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Sammy Cooper Charles and I went to the Consul’s in order to go a Gunning. The Consul told us it was too late to go this forenoon but that his Servant should Go with us after dinner. He desir’d us to dine with him which accordingly we did and after dinner the Consuls servant went with us. We had but little Game because it rain’d almost all the time, we went up on the top of the...
1978Wednesday 22d Of December. (Adams Papers)
Rain’d all day with intermissions. At about 3 o clock PM we went a Gunning with Flamand. We got but little because Flamand the Consul’s servant put a wad into his Gun and did not put any powder and was forc’d to go and draw it out. Stevens, Sam Cooper, brother Charles, Flamand and I went together. I fir’d three times but once in the Air. I kill’d once. This morning a Spanish Vessel went out...
1979Thursday 23d Of December. (Adams Papers)
A good day. At about 11 o clock we saw a Sail and at one o clock we saw a nother one of which prov’d to be a Dutchman which came in to this port, and the other a French man and went to Ferrol. This Afternoon Flamand, Sammy Cooper, and I went agunning again, we got Nothing because Flamand’s Gun would not go off. Sammy Cooper and I fir’d at a Mark twice and hit both times. At about 5 o clock We...
1980Friday 24th. (Adams Papers)
This morning a Spanish 80 Gun Ship went out of this harbour. At about 10 o clock the Consul came to our lodgings and brought us the French paper call’d the Courier de L’europe in which was the following news that a part of the Count d’Estaing’s fleet had arrived at L’orient which was seperated in the Storm and that it brought news that the Count was repulsed at Savannah with the loss of six...