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Results 1971-2020 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1971[Section Title] (Adams Papers)
Section Title A Journal from the time I left Ferrol to the time I left Coronna.
This morning I took a walk about the town to see and found that it was a much more pleasant town than Ferrol. The Chamber which I lodge in comands a beautiful prospect of Rocks and mountains and also a fine view right out to sea and a small part of the town. There is a tour tower in the city, but I have not been to see it. Pappa has seen it to day and I beleive I shall go with Mr Thaxter and...
1973Friday 17th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to see the tour de fer (as the French call it and the spaniards Tour d’hercule). It is 100 foot in height and perhaps 2000 years old. There is an inscription which I have not seen for I could not go in which runs thus “Marti et Augusto sacrum. Dedicated to Mars and Augustus." Pappa supposes that it was built by Augustus Caesar just after he had routed Brutus, and Cassius,...
1974Saturday 18th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to the French Consul’s and from there to the Governor’s of this place. We saw Mr. Logonare at the Con­ suls. We gave him a Letter and carry another to the Governor’s and gave it to him. He said he would give us a Passport this afternoon or to morrow and that it was impossible to go till monday. Very fine weather. I look’d this morning out of our chamber window and saw a...
1975Sunday 19th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon we all went to the Consuls where we dined. There were 16 Gentlemen 51 dishes, and 20 different sorts of Wines. As we came home brother Charles led me a wrong way and we were near an hour before we found our lodgings but at last we found them. Very rainy and a Great deal of wind all day. I beleive that there is a heavy Gale of wind at sea.
1976Monday 20th. (Adams Papers)
Very rainy all this forenoon. This morning Pappa, Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen and Mr. Thaxter went to Court to see and hear the mode of pleading in this country. At about noon it clear’d up. This afternoon I went to the Consuls after the Inscription on the “tour de fer.” He told me that he not got it yet but that he expected to have it to day. He also told me he should come to see my Pappa, and...
1977Tuesday 21st. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Sammy Cooper Charles and I went to the Consul’s in order to go a Gunning. The Consul told us it was too late to go this forenoon but that his Servant should Go with us after dinner. He desir’d us to dine with him which accordingly we did and after dinner the Consuls servant went with us. We had but little Game because it rain’d almost all the time, we went up on the top of the...
1978Wednesday 22d Of December. (Adams Papers)
Rain’d all day with intermissions. At about 3 o clock PM we went a Gunning with Flamand. We got but little because Flamand the Consul’s servant put a wad into his Gun and did not put any powder and was forc’d to go and draw it out. Stevens, Sam Cooper, brother Charles, Flamand and I went together. I fir’d three times but once in the Air. I kill’d once. This morning a Spanish Vessel went out...
1979Thursday 23d Of December. (Adams Papers)
A good day. At about 11 o clock we saw a Sail and at one o clock we saw a nother one of which prov’d to be a Dutchman which came in to this port, and the other a French man and went to Ferrol. This Afternoon Flamand, Sammy Cooper, and I went agunning again, we got Nothing because Flamand’s Gun would not go off. Sammy Cooper and I fir’d at a Mark twice and hit both times. At about 5 o clock We...
1980Friday 24th. (Adams Papers)
This morning a Spanish 80 Gun Ship went out of this harbour. At about 10 o clock the Consul came to our lodgings and brought us the French paper call’d the Courier de L’europe in which was the following news that a part of the Count d’Estaing’s fleet had arrived at L’orient which was seperated in the Storm and that it brought news that the Count was repulsed at Savannah with the loss of six...
1981Saturday 25th. (Adams Papers)
This is a great day with the Roman Catholics. “Fete de Nouailles” Christmas. However I find they dont mind it much. They dress up and go to mass but after that’s over all is. So if they call this religion I wonder what is not it; after Mass, almost all the Shops in town are open’d. But stop. I must not say any thing against their religion while I am in their country but must change the...
1982Sunday 26th. (Adams Papers)
This Morning Mr. Lagoanere came to our lodgings and told us that we should go at one o clock and that he would accompany us as far as the first stage. This Gentleman is about 45 years old according to my supposition. He is neither handsome nor homely. He is well shaped and a very agreable Gentleman; he is Consul for the American affairs at Corunna. At about 12 o clock the French Consul came to...
1983[Section Title] (Adams Papers)
Section Title A Journal from the time I left Corunna to the time I arrived at Astorga.
1984Sunday 26th. (Adams Papers)
Their were three Carriages all drawn by Mules, two at each carriage and each carriage carries two persons except one which carries three. The three servant’s Andrew Mr. Allen’s, John Mr. Dana’s, and Stevens My Pappa’s rode a Mule back as also did our Guide whose name is Martin, Mr. Lagoanere rode on a horse belonging to him. And thus equipped our caravan set out. In the first carriage was Mr....
1985Monday 27th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at six o clock our ears were assaulted by “Tis time to get up.” If the Guide had not have kept his time the bells of the Church opposite us would have kept the time for him, for about a Quarter of an hour after we got up they begun to ring and rung for about a half an hour. Our Muletiers all went to Mass but we were not much obliged to them for it. However, let them do as they...
1986Tuesday 28th of December. (Adams Papers)
This morning we got up at 6 and were stirring at 8. Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen, and Mr. Thaxter rode on Muleback. Pappa, Charles, and I rode a little ways in the Carriage and then got out and walk’d. At 2 o clock we arrived at a little village calld Baamonde where we din’d . At about o clock P M We set out from to go as far as which is about leagues off of one Another and I beleive we shall lodge...
1987Wednesday 29th of December. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about 8 o clock we set away from Baamonde and travell’d on. At twelve o clock we arrived at a Place call’d Ravadan Rabade . We stopped there and eat a bit of Bread and Cheese. This Village of Ravadan is by the Side of the River Minho Miño which empties itself in the Sea in some port in Portugal. At about half after twelve o clock we got into our Carriages and Proceeded as far...
1988Thursday 30th. (Adams Papers)
This morning we all got up at 3 o clock but did not set out till 7. We went over several mountains. At about two o clock we stopt and dined at a little cottage by the Side of a River which is call’d Carasedo and from thence we proceeded on as far as a little village call’d Galiego Gallegos where we shall lodge this night. This is the best house we have Lodged at since we Left Corunna. We have...
1989Friday 31st. (Adams Papers)
We had nothing worth remarking to day except we kept ascending all day and we are now at the very top of the mountains. The guide says that this is the worst day that we shall have the whole journey. We came 7 Leagues to day. In my next Volume of my Journal I will give the description of several things which I have not done in this Volume.
1990[Back Cover] (Adams Papers)
Mamma | | Letters to America Sister | Mamma | Brother | Sister | | Mr. Thaxter | | | | | | | | | | | | Tommy | Uncle Smith | Harry Warren | Pappa | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Josh Green | Charles | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cousin Billy | Col. Jonno | | Cousin Lucy Sammy | | | | | | | | | | | | George Warren
1991[January 1780] (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. Thaxter wak’d me up by sounding in my ears, I wish you a happy new year and about half an hour before sun rise we sot out from Sebrero which was the place where we lodg’d last night and went 5 leagues before dinner. We stopt at a little cottage where we dined. After dinner we went two leagues and at about 5 o clock we arrived at a city call’d Ville Franc Villafranca del Bierzo...
19921780 January 1st Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This morning Mr. Thaxter wak’d me up by sounding in my ears, I wish you a happy new year and about half an hour before sun rise we sot out from Sebrero which was the place where we lodg’d last night and went 5 leagues before dinner. We stopt at a little cottage where we dined. After dinner we went two leagues and at about 5 o clock we arrived at a city call’d Ville Franc Villafranca del Bierzo...
19932d Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning at seven o clock we got up and at 9 o clock set away. We went through several villages and dined at Ponfarada Ponferrada . After dinner we went Through several more villages and arrived at a little village call’d Benbibere Bembibre at about 6 o clock. We shall lodge at this place to night. We have come 7 Leagues to day.
1994January 3d 1780 Monday. (Adams Papers)
This morning we got up at 5 o clock and at 6 we set away from Benbibere. We dined in a little hut amongst the mules and at about 6 o clock we arrived at Astorga. We have had very Good roads all this day. The Guide told us that we had 7 Leagues but we had 10 good English Leagues. In the first volume of this journal I promised to give a description of several things. I will now give one of the...
19954th Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This morning our Guide told us that the Chaises had several things to be mended and that we could not go to day. At about 12 o clock I with Mr. Dana Mr. Allen Mr. Thaxter and S C Johonnot went to see the Cathedral but the man was gone to dinner and the door was shut. The Gentlemen went again after dinner but I did not go with them. I here will say a little about this Town. The streets are very...
19965th Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This morning at about sun rise we set of f from Astorga with very fine weather and roads. We dined at a little village the name of which I do not know. We arrived at Leon at about 6 o clock. Before we arriv’d we came through a strait road with a row of trees on each side, at the end of it is a very large building which our Guide tells us is a College dedicated to St. Marcus. We made several...
1997Thursday 6th. (Adams Papers)
This morning we asked a man how many convents there were in Leon. He wrote what follows. de Freiles De St. Francisco 2 De St. Domingo 1 De St. Claudio Benitos 1 4 De Monjas De St. Benito 1 De la concepcion 1 Des Colzas 1
1998Friday 7th. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set away from Manzilla with good weather and roads but very cold. We stopt and dined at a little village the name of which I donot know and at 5 o clock P M arrived at St. Juan le Segun Sahagún which is a Small city at 6 Leagues from Manzillo. Referred to by Dana as Burgo, or more precisely, El Burgo Ranero ( Dana, Journal ).
1999Saturday 8th. (Adams Papers)
Fine weather. We came through several villages. We have come seven leagues to day. At about 6 o clock we arrived at a little village called Parades Paredes de Naba. Very bad accomodations to night.
2000Sunday 9th. (Adams Papers)
Cloudy weather. We din’d at Palentia Palencia which is a city as Large as Corunna. At about 7 oclock P.M. we arrived at Torre quemada Torquemada which is 7 Leagues from Parades de naba.
2001Monday 10th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at 7 o clock we set away from Torre quemada. Just after we set away we went over a Bridge with 25 Arches to it and at about ten o clock we went over another with 18 Arches to it. We dined at a little village the name of which it is not necessary to mention and at about half after five arrived at Sellada el Camino where we shall lodge to night. It is 8 leagues from Torre quemada.
2002Tuesday 11th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at 7 ½ we set away from Sellada el Cameno. At about 10 o clock it began to snow and snow’d about a Quarter of an Hour. At about 12 o clock we arrived at Burgos which is a City about as big as Corunna. We shall lodge here to night. We have come 4 Leagues to day. I said that at Astorga we should determine the routs, we did determine not to go to Madrid but we shall determine at this...
2003Wednesday 12th. (Adams Papers)
Good weather. Set away from Burgos and pursued our journey. Dined at a little village and at about 6 o clock arrived at a village called Bibrieski Briviesca . We have come 8 Leagues to day. Very Muddy. The roads something hilly.
2004Thursday 13th. (Adams Papers)
Rose at about day break and set away ½ an hour before sun rise. Passed through several villages and dined at Pan Courbo. Before dinner we went along in a Plain between two ridges of mountains the soil of which is excellent and after dinner we went along another plain betwixt two ridges of rocks some of which were 150 200 and 300 foot in height some right strait up, some hanging over our heads,...
2005Friday 14. (Adams Papers)
This morning we set away at about sun rise. We came two leagues and then went a league up hill and then another League down hill. This was a road made through a mountain I suppose 300 foot in Height and all the way almost perpendicular. We came 4 Leagues before dinner and dined at Orduña a little city with gates to it at the foot of the mountain. After we had passed the mountain we saw some...
2006Saturday 15th. (Adams Papers)
This morning we rose at about day break and at about a half an hour before Sun rise we set off from Luyando. At about 8 o clock it began to rain, rain’d till about 12 and then left of f raining but it did not clear up. At about 1 oclock we arrived at Bilbao. When we arrived we found two American Vessels one a brig Capt Bapson belonging to the Tracy’s of New-bury port and the other a Ship of 18...
2007Sunday 16th. (Adams Papers)
Went to look about the Town. Saw nothing worth remarking. The two Mr. Gardoqui’s Capt. Bapson and Captain Lovett Spent the Evening here.
2008Monday 17th. (Adams Papers)
All the Gentlemen dined at Mr. Gardoqui’s but I being unwell did not go. Settled with Raymon and our Guide and all the boys.
2009Tuesday 18th. (Adams Papers)
Felt better to day. We all dined at home to day. We expect to set out for Bayonne on Thursday. Nothing remarkable to day.
2010Wednesday 19th. (Adams Papers)
To day all the Gentlemen went down the river except Mr. Dana and myself. At about 6 o clock they came back. Mr. Gardoqui’s stay’d here about a half an hour, and then went away and about a half an hour after Sent us the french newspapers but there was no news.
2011Thursday 20th. (Adams Papers)
Sot out about 3 o clock P M. Nothing remarkable. Gaps appear among the final days recorded in JQA ’s second Diary booklet. There were no entries for 21–22 Jan., on which days the party was en route from Bilbao to Bayonne; for 24 Jan., the day they spent in that French provincial town; and 26–28 Jan., while traveling to Bordeaux. Some details of this part of their trip are provided in JA ’s...
2012Sunday 23d. (Adams Papers)
Nothing remarkable for these 3 days. At about 5 o clock P M arrived at Bayonne. Nothing more remarkable to day.
2013Tuesday 25th. (Adams Papers)
Set away at about 9 o clock. At about half after 9 began to Snow. Snow’d 2 hours. Went 45 miles to day.
2014Saturday 29th. (Adams Papers)
Nothing remarkable Since we left Bayonne. At about 5 arrived at Bordeaux. Mr. Vernon and Mr. Bonfeild came to see us. William Vernon Jr. , also known as William H. Vernon, was the son of a wealthy Newport, R.I., merchant and member of the Continental Navy Board. To gain experience in trade young Vernon had been sent to France under JA ’s care at the time Adams made his first voyage to Europe...
2015Sunday 30th. (Adams Papers)
We all dined at Mr. Bonfeild’s. After dinner went to the play. Had Amphitrion and Cartouche. Probably Molière’s Amphitryon, but possibly Jean Baptiste Raguenet, Amphitryon, ou les deux arlequins, a musical parody of Molière’s play, n.p., 1713; Marc Antoine Legrand, Cartouche, ou les voleurs, Paris, 1721 ( Cioranescu, Bibliographic du dix-septième siècle Alexandre Cioranescu, Bibliographie de...
2016Monday 31st. (Adams Papers)
Went about to see the town. Saw the Shipping which made a Grand appearance. The Gentlemen dined out but us younkers dined at home. After dinner we went to the hotel d’Angleterre and after that to the comedy, but could find no places. Such scenes of “a Grand appearance” may have inspired several sketches of ships and soldiers which appear at the end of this Diary booklet, on the last leaf and...
2017[Titlepage] (Adams Papers)
a e A. b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, received u h, z o mb w, e, a, f k, v i, v, w, x, y, z j Journal L Jaulvob. D. Siumcez r. Saufrit august jaulvob a have Journal. a
2018[July 1780] (Adams Papers)
At about eleven o clock took leave of all my Schoolmates, and went to Paris, with an intention to set out for Holland on thursday, next. Prepared everything for the journey. In the afternoon pappa went to Dr. Franklin’s for a Passport. At this time American ministers were empowered to issue passports to Americans traveling in the country to which they were accredited ( Adams Family...
2019Tuesday 25th of July. (Adams Papers)
At about eleven o clock took leave of all my Schoolmates, and went to Paris, with an intention to set out for Holland on thursday, next.
2020Wednesday 26th. (Adams Papers)
Prepared everything for the journey. In the afternoon pappa went to Dr. Franklin’s for a Passport. At this time American ministers were empowered to issue passports to Americans traveling in the country to which they were accredited ( Adams Family Correspondence Adams Family Correspondence , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1963- . , 4:xv ).