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Results 1971-2020 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have already written to you by this vessel. her sailing haveing been delayed, I have the opportunity of acknowledging your Letter dated in Jan’ry, The contents of which are so flattering & complimentary, that I know not how to replie to it.—In the days of my youth, Female Education was very little attended to, in this Country beyond reading, and writing, and Arithmatic. a few rare instances...
Words cannot describe to you how Sincerely I participate in your trouble? can I in any way render you any Service. I Send Richard to Town. the cards inclosed you will have naild upon any trunks you may wish to Send to my care—as Mr Adams left some things at your House, I presumed I might make use of his Name—Send me any of the Children you may wish to have out of the way at this time. I will...
You will, I know, share with your father and me, in lamenting the death of our ancient friend, our physician, the constant correspondent and endearing companion; the benevolent, learned, and ever to be regretted Rush. It is indeed a heavy stroke; an unexpected one to your father: one for which we were unprepared, having a weekly correspondence with him for a long time. On Saturday last we...
I received your note of Monday I believe, as well as a very kind and friendly Letter previous to that, the note in which your feelings so powerfully opperated, I have put to rest as you desird. Caroline has quieted your mind, I trust upon some subjects, as the communications have given, much satisfaction to me. so far so good, yet there are many things yet to be learnt, respecting disposition...
"String after String, is severed from the Heart" The parting with my dear Boys the final parting, as I consider it, has excited the tenderest emotions of my Heart. I have Struggled to bring my mind to the test of reason, to that which was fittest and best. providence at this interesting period has Seen fit, to try me, by a Still Severer Stroke—by the Sudden and unexpected death of my dear and...
Inclosed you have a Letter, to mr Rutledge which you may if you like send to your Brother if you think it will be of any service to him. We yesterday received a few lines from mr Adams of the 14th from which I learnt you were all in tolerable Health, I want to know if his cough has left him, and whether he has any thing of the Rheumatism in his Limbs. I would have him pay particular attention...
I inclose you a volm from Harriot, and I have written to your Mother so late, that I have not a brain prolific enough to entertain you. I could inform you that our old gardner went to France this winter and did not expect to return soon enough to garden, and we have got another in his stead, who like most successors, finds fault with his predecessor, that this should have been so, and that...
Yesterday your father brought me the much–desired packet. You mention General Eaton’s town–meeting speech, which I had seen. I presume he was in spirits when he made it; his virulence against Mr. —— is really personal—thereby hangs a tale. Mr. Lear, you know, made a treaty with Tripoli, which, through the misrepresentation of Eaton and his intrigues, had like to have been rejected by the...
I have read your Letter, and see nothing to amend or alter, thank you for the communication. I coverd yesterday to you a Letter received from Caroline the P. in taking off the cover, tore the seal which was attachd to the paper, but none of us peaped— I only had a few lines saying she would write to me soon— I could not find a conveyance yesterday, I send it to day with a number of...
Your good uncle Cranch is gone. heaven has Saved him the greatest anguish he could experience in this Life. the following her to the Tomb, She is still living, which is all we can say. The family requested me to notify you that the funeral will be on Saturday at 2 oclock—the Corpse to be carried to the meeting House. I will thank you to lend me if you can without inconvenience to yourself 30...
If your Sister had not been So constant & punctual a correspondent with you, I Should have been more Solicitious myself, but hearing from you So often I have not thought it needfull to put you to the trouble of answering my Letters. She has kept you informd of all occurencs here, but now She is absent in Boston, having been led there under the Influence of Hymen to the Celebration ceremony...
The vessels which I have already written by have been detaind: by contrary winds, and give me an opportunity of adding a few more lines. Your Father has also written to you, and as according to Deans Swifts practise, he usually Submits his Letters to the inspection of the Old Lady, for her approbation, or dissent, altho he will not always alter. In a Letter written this morning, more from...
Rules for disposing of the Day Rise by Six. if any time before Breakfast to walk out a little way into the garden after Breakfast.. to read a chapture in the Bible. then to sit down to Sew or knit for three hours. at 12 to quit work, and read write or amuse themselves as they please. at three oclock to apply again to the needle untill Six when the remainder of the time may be applied as they...
I shall send George tomorrow by the stage and will be much obliged to your Father if he will go with him to the Tailors. I think the cloth had better be spunged, but he can be measured and the Coat snt out afterward. the patterns you sent were not equal to the cloth you procured before. I Should like to have the cloth fine as Can be had for ten dollars pr yd. cannot you send me Caroline’s...
I shall begin my Letter by putting your mind at ease respecting your children, who are both very well. George I saw yesterday quite in Raptures; his uncle Cranch had made him a little Sled with a small box upon the top; similar to one which Dexter had made John; and which employs half his time. Sometimes to draw about miss Juno, who seems to like the ride very well, and sits in it as grave and...
your Sons are well. your Parents are still living. your Brother is well— O my full Heart, shall I wish for Life for her who is releived from pain and Sufferings, which wring my heart with anguish, and was daily increased by the anticipation of Still greater Sufferings? No, I will bless the Being who had compassion for her: and who was pleased to take to the Arms of mercy as I fully beleive,...
I again take my pen, not to find any fault with you, that I do not hear from you, because I know that many Letters must be upon the wings of the wind, written by you, for me. I have only to regret, that they are so slow, to satisfy my earnest desire to hear from you; I have been made joyfull by learning that your sons had a fine passage, and arrived safe; and I see by the papers mention made...
To your kind and friendly Letter I fully designd an immediate replie, but a Severe attack of a rheumatick complaint in my Head has confined me to my Chamber for Several weeks and renderd me unable to hold a pen. tho recovering from it, my head Still feels crakd: Shatterd I am Sure it is—you will therefore pardon any inaccuracy I may commit. my Health which you so kindly inquire after, has been...
Thursday, 30th November, was our Thanksgiving Day; I was not able to attend church, owing to my eye, which I regretted: our good minister is always excellent upon particular occasions; I am told he was upon this. At dinner I looked round, I hope with a thankful heart, but alas! how many of my dear children were absent, not one of them to give pleasure to the festive table; the young shoots and...
My last Letter to you, was dated 17th of October 1814 which supposing the negotiation had ended in Sep’br I directed It to Saint Petersburgh, and Sent it to go by which ever way public dispatches went. I hope it will not travel further than Ghent, where by your Letter of 25th of october, yesterday received—I find you are yet. As it personally concerned us, I rejoice that you are so much nearer...
At Length after an intermission of Seven Months your Letters of June 21st arrived, in a swedish vessel call’d the Neptunus. mr Tilden was the bearer of them in 36 days from Liverpool I was most sincerely rejoiced to see again your hand writing, altho not a solitary line was addrest to me, it is the first instance of the kind which has occur’d since your absence Your Letter was for your...
A1tho I have not so frequently written to you It has not been oweing to Your having been less frequently in my Thoughts than formerly; I found it so difficult to determine from a partial view, what were the wisest and best measures for the government to pursue, in a day so dark, and in times so perilious, that Silence was best for me, after having once given my opinion upon a subject where we...
I must write you a short Letter, least you Should think yourself neglected, as I have written to both your Brothers, and your Grandfather is so much engaged with his Books that he cannot write to any of his Grandsons now. your Mother writes me word, that you have forgotten your Russian & German Languages. you should not forget, what you learn that is valuable. that is the misfortune of old...
I inclose you two Letters received yesterday I do hope that John will be able to comply with and accomplish the only wish which he Says his Mother has, that of getting to her Fathers House once more. altho he Says She has mended for these two last weeks, yet he give me no hopes that the complaint in her Breast is not Such as must prove fatal. Nancy writes that it is one hard cake—my mind is...
I must begin my Letter by wishing you and yours, many returns of the Season, as pleasent, as delightfull as the present for the winter hitherto has been as mild, as the Summer was cold. “Sterne Says, God tempers the wind to the Shorn Lamb” and the winter as yet; has been temperd to the wants, and necessities of the people: altho their Herbage was cut off, and the Herds in their stalls will be...
I always like to send to every one some token of remembrance by writing to each, altho, I á derth of Subjects at the present day will not afford matter for amusement; a Letter upon Literary subjects, is not wanted in a country which abounds in every work of the kind, but as I do not consider, myself capable of being a reviewer—I shall only speak my private opinion, many of the modern writers...
I know dear H. that you will be glad to learn that S. received a Letter last Evening from mr C. dated 6 Jan’ry. he was recovering Slowly, but his Blister proved a troublesome companion so bad the dr had forbiden him to write for more than a week he was not disposed to remove from his Lodgings untill he heard from here, then as soon as he was able he intended sitting out for Washington. his...
ever Since your last Letter to the president I have had a great inclination to address a Letter to mr vanderkamp and being now confined to my chamber by an attack of the Reumatism, I find a leisure hour to address my Friend in his Solitute In the first place, I assure him I have not any pretentions to the Character of a Learned Lady, and very therefore according to his creed intitled to his...
I have not had a line from you for many weeks. Your Father visits the post office every post day and altho he frequently returns with his pocket full of Letters I find not amongst them the Superscription which is dearer to me than all the rest. You must know Since he has publickly avowed himself the Father of the Whole Nation, he has a most prodigious number of Letters from his adopted ospring...
I would not have you expose yourself to go out in the rain, but when you do go out, John prays you not to forget the Shawl. I do not know if I mentiond half a pd wick yarn be so good as to look for black bombazeen I am told it is better for a pelise than Silk—the weather promises So bad & the roads so heavey that the P—— is discouraged from going. my Spirit will be with them altho my Body is...
I have made up packets of Letters for this mornings post, to Wiscasset, to N york, to the Valley & to Philadelphia. You will readily suppose that I am weary no I really am, tho correspondence of Harriot welch to Caroline & hers to Harriot all pass through my hands—She is now with mrs Bailey, and Yesterday brought a large packet from William Smith to his Mother Brother and Sister, all of which...
I was unable to replie to my dear sisters Letter of May 19th. being visited by St Anthony who scourged me most cruelly. I am sure I wished well to the Spanish patriots in their late struggle for their Liberty. I bore no ill will to the portegeze whose tutelar Saint thus wantonly beset me, I wish he had been preaching to the fishes, who according to tradition, have been his Hearers, for so ill...
This is a strange world, or rather strange folks make it so, to render the drama compleat. Lodgings were taken at Mrs Blacks before I returnd home from an afternoons visit which I had been making, when I returnd, I found the new married couple, and Mrs A. Abbe met me at the gate and we cordially and affectionatly greeted each other, when I went in I received Mrs A. kindly, altho it was Stately...
your Letter of Novbr 16th was an unexpected pleasure, for after yours of october the 13th, I had given up the Idea of receiving a line from you untill june, or july. you may easily imagine that your Letter was not only an unexpected, but a welcome guest, and the more so as it came drest in smiles of more content, than some of your Letters. I do not however wonder at your dislike of a climate...
I did not think of your not returning again the next day when you left me, altho we miss you, much yet we know you cannot be in both places at once, but wherever you are, you are doing good, and this is the true end of Life. Thus thought the Dear departed Friend I mourn. Sav’d the parting pangs, and the final adieu. She seems like Enoch, to have been translated. Mrs Shaw writes, that when the...
I will not Suffer the year to close upon me without noticeing your repeated favours and thanking you for them—so long as we inhabit this Earth and possess any of our faculties we must do feel for our fee posterity for our Friends and our Country—personally We have arived so near the close of the drama that we shall feel but few of those evils which await others, (we have past through one...
The Books have come, and never were in the Custom house as I beleive. it was not a Box, but a package. Farmers Works are a part of them. mr Tappant, Sent them out. mr Aspinwall our consul had the charge of them, and they came in the Margaret Frances, and not as Supposed in the Galen I received your Note by mr Greenleaf. I inclose the pattern I like best. Seven yds if you please of it. Louissa...
I beleive the post Man thinks us very importent correspondents, as we observed that it was well the P had the priviledge of Franking. I have no Scruples upon that head as it is the only gratuity his country ever bestowed upon him. I mean to place a high value upon it, by as frequent a use of it as I have occasion for—George got home Safe altho through mud Snow and water. the day is now...
To-morrow will be a fortnight since you left me; I have watched the weather with much solicitude, and when we had snow, as we had the Thursday after you set out, I hoped it might speed your journey, provided there should not be too great a quantity; although the storm was severe and cold on Saturday, it was pleasant sleighing. I flattered myself we should enjoy it for a week or ten days, but...
I am indebted to you my dear Madam for three Letters. I have made two attempts before to acknowledge two of them; but was unable to accomplish my intention. The Spirit was willing, but alass the flesh so weak and feeble that my hand would not guide my pen. I have had a Severe Sickness, which has left me very low, and a slow fever continues to consume my strength and Spirits. When your Son in...
I received your Letter of 17th of the last Evening and rejoiced with trembling. Dr Hoolbrook thought if Dear Child lived over that day, there would be hopes of he . I pray heaven it may be so, for all our Sakes— but arly for her afflicted parents. I never Saw greater distress My dear Sons when he came to See us, the night he left her for Haverhill; he had Struggled to conquer his feelings &...
Your kind and Sympathetic Letter demands my thanks, and receives my gratitude. My own loss is not to be estimated by words—and can only be alleviated by the consoling beleif that my Dear Daughter is partakeing of that Life and immortality brought to light by him, who endured the cross; and is gone before to prepare a place; for those who Love him and keep his commandments. Her patience...
We promise ourselves the pleasure of visiting you on fryday next, and hope that a Severe Cold now attacking both the President and myself, will yiald before that day, to Herb Tea, and mild weather. nothing but indisposition will prevent our accepting Your kind invitation, or I Should add, Stormy weather. Many thanks for the Balsam My Neice continues way weak, altho’ She has not had any return...
Why my dear Neice so loth to use your pen? But I do not hear from it twice in a year? Altho you possess many of the virtues of your Mother, and inherit many of her amiable qualities, you do not keep up that literary intercourse with your nearest Relatives, which was a distinguished trait in her Character. few persons held so eloquent a pen; or could find such ready access to the Heart: I...
Having been attacked this morning with a dangerous Complaint, I have requested Louisa to write you a few lines enclosing a Note, The disposition of which, I wrote you my request, in my last Letter dated December 1815—which Letter, and note, I deliver to Louisa Smith—to keep untill your return— MHi : Adams Papers.
Since I had the pleasure of writing to you, I have received further accounts from our Children, which I hasten to communicate to you, knowing from my own feelings, what a cordial for low spirits agreable news from a far Country is. The Letter from my Son is written at sea, and is a continuation of that which we before received from the Banks of Newfoundland. he writes, that after leaving the...
My Grandson William Stuben Smith, having returnd from Russia, where he has resided with his uncle as Secretary of Legation to that Mission, and as I have been informd the President intended him, the offer of continuing in that Character, to the Embassy to England, which honour he has declined, the Sallery allowd being insufficient for the Support of a Family, which he now has. his Brother John...
I thank you for your kind inquiries. I am better to day. I had the Rheumatism in my head, and was quite Sick yesterday. I took a little medicine last night and find it has releived me, tho I am not very smart to day. mrs Smith thanks You and will call and see you. She is engaged to her Brothers to day—She has walked out twice into the Neighbours—your Brother wrote me Sometime Since that altho...
This day compleats five weeks since my dear Boys embarked for Liverpool, and now I anticipate their arrival and your, and their Mothers joy at the prospect of meeting them. if it is equal to the pain I felt at parting with them, I can wish you no greater enjoyment. My Reason and judgment, both approved of their going to you, for they were approaching an Age, when more vigilance was necesary,...
I was most unfortnate in not hearing, untill two Days before the Cartel from N york sailed, that there was one orderd by Goverment to take Mr Strong the consul to Sweeden, as a Special messenger. he was first to proceed to England with his dispatches for the Brtish Minister; and then immediatly to St Petersburgh. I sent my Letters to go by him, to John Smith at N york; one half hour before the...