Results 1971-1980 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
[ ] Now after the lapse of a number of years I have again to address a communication to you in the Name and by direction of the Supreme the Divine Author of the Scripture, to inform you that He is still upon the earth with intention of executing His most important Purposes, [relating] to its concerns. And further that I am still the organ of His Will upon the earth for the occasion as was...
In Obedience to the Direction of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society, We have the Honor to inclose You a Copy of their Proceedings relative to your late Resignation of the Office of President of the Society. We are deeply sensible of the serious Injury the Society will inevitably sustain from the Want of your illustrious Name to patronize its important Concerns; We cannot...
I have just recd. a letter from Col. Storrow in answer to an inquiry from me, which shews that he has still in his hands the packet put into them by Mr. Sparks. I am sorry that his inattention caused you & Mr Coolidge the trouble indicated in your favour of Feby. 22. The delinquent is so penitent for not even dropping me a line on the subject, that, in the consciousness of our own...
I hope you will pardon my delay in answering your letter of December 19th. when I tell you, that ever since its receipt, I have been in duress, by the labors of my office, and by those which neither belonged to my office, nor should have been admitted into it— I now return you the letter of Mr. Trist, on Mr. Walker’s subject—and proceed to perform a promise I made to Genl. Cocke, but which I...
J. M. presents his respects to Mr. Hassler with many thanks for the "Popular Exposition of the System of the Universe". politely sent & just recd; to which he adds his good wishes for the success, to wch. such a work executed with the known ability of the author can not fail to be entitled. Every insight into the grandeur & structure of the universe, having a happy tendency at once to expand...
I have recd. from a gentleman in Kentucky, who wishes to back an application to the Legislature, for aid to the Transylvania University, with the examples of other States, a request of a statement of the grants made to the University of Virginia, and to any other Collegiate Institutions within the State. May I ask the favor of you to guard me against any inaccuracies, by noting to me the...
I have recd. your letter of Feby. 26, acquainting me with the formation of the Society in Union Town for the promotion of "Literature friendship and morality," and with its election of me as an honorary member. Regarding an association for such purposes, in which young men of the Town unite with Students of the College, as doubly praise worthy, and a happy substitute for the social...
I applied to the Executive thro’ one of its members for a copy of the 1st. vol: of the Public Journals—for your use. No law having passed authorizing the disposition to be made of them, and none being expedient till the whole of the work shall be completed, the Executive had no power to present a Copy to any one. I desired that one might be sent you on loan, till the Legislature shall pass a...
I have recd., my dear Sir, your friendly letter of the 15th. inst: which had strayed to a wrong post office, before it got to the right one. It gives me pleasure to find that you retain the sentiments which grew up between us during our cotemporary services in public life; and I do every justice to the motives which prompted your call on me to take an active side in the contest which excites...
The enclosed small packet, addressed to your lady, has just been received from Mr Hughes, our Charge d’Affaires to the Netherlands. To account for its present appearance, I have to remark that it was by Mr Hughes transmitted to me open, with permission, of which I have availed myself to peruse its contents. To this indulgence of Mr Hughes I am indebted not only for the knowledge of the...