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Results 1971-1980 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
7 –13 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsday, Fryday, Saturday, Sunday.
ALS : Chicago Historical Society I send you per Capt. Morton 20 Reams whited Brown Paper, and 10 of blue. Please to acquaint Mr. Langdon of it; I think that is the Gentleman’s Name who wrote to me for some of both Sorts, but I have mislaid his Letter. He wanted it for Packing Sperma-Ceti Candles. The Price of the brown you know; the blue is 1¼ Dollar per Ream. Credit my Account with the Money...
I should be guilty of the blackest Ingratitude did I not duly acknowledge the many Civilities I rec’d from you when in Winchester where I would often visit you far as it is were not my Presence at this Season of the year absolutely necessary on my Plantan. With great Reluctance I have heard that many of our Militia have deserted I shall pursue every necessary Step to have them apprehended &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We wrote to you per Capt. Morton who sailed yesterday, and sent you a few Things that may be of some Use perhaps in your Family. I hope, tho’ not of much Value, they will be acceptable. Inclos’d is an Account of Particulars, and the Captain’s Receipt, with the Key of the Trunk. Our Family is well. The Small Pox is beginning in Town by Inoculation, but has...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is now a long time since I had the Pleasure of a Line from you; I am now return’d from Virginia, where I was near too Months. I should be glad to learn from you the present State of the Forces in your County, and of the People. If in any Thing I can serve you, command freely your old Friend and most obedient humble Servant Governor Pownall is daily...
ALS : Connecticut Historical Society I am concern’d that I have not for a long time heard any thing of Sister Douse. Pray inform me how she is. Brothers John, Peter and my self, agreed to contribute towards a small Pension for her Support; I should be glad to know whether it is regularly paid. Inclos’d is a Receipt for 30 Reams of Paper. I wrote to you per Morton and refer to that. My Love to...
Letter not found: to Beverley Robinson, 11 June 1756. On 23 July 1756 Robinson wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 11th of June I Rcd.”
I have read over Yr Memo. & observe thereon; I cannot advise how the Virga Regiment will be compleated if the Draughts from the Militia do not answer that End; but must here observe, if the Officers had perform’d their Engagements the Regiment wou’d have been in good Order, their Neglect & Breach of Promise is a great Loss to the Country. The Scheme of forming the Regiment into two Battallions...
I take the Liberty to address You on Behalf of my Neighbour & Your old School-fellow, Mr Piper; who, without duly considering the Consequences, when he was at Winchester enlisted as a Sarjeant in Capt. Mercer’s Company; he has been down to consult his Father upon it, & finds him excessively averse to it, & as his principal Dependance is upon the old Man (besides the Duty naturally due to a...
Copy: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission When the Indians first began to Infest our Frontiers, the Commissioners were of Oppinion, that the best means of Securing our Inhabitants, was to Carry the warr into the Enemys Country, and hunt them in all their Fishing, Hunting, Planting and dwelling places: But having sent for Croghan and others, in order to obtain their Oppinion; and they...