James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Sylvanus Bourne, 8 August 1801

From Sylvanus Bourne, 8 August 1801

Consular Office of the U.S. Amsterdam Augt. 8th. 1801.


Having just seen by the Amn. Gazettes that it has pleased the Supreme Executive of the U.S. to locate the Diplomatic Mission at the Hague, I shall regard this event as one imposing an additional obligation on me to attend to that current of political information which may any ways interesting to the U. States & convey the same to you in course. I have no doubt that this Batavian Govt. will in future admit me as the official organ of all communication which may arise from the political or commercial intercourse between the two Countries. Their acquiescence on this point during Mr. Murrays mission to France is the guarantee of this opinion. I am respectfully Yr. Ob. Servt.

S. Bourne

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