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Results 19641-19650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It has now been for a full ascertaining that unless new pretense. on the part of G. Bn. were advanced, a treaty, of peace wd. be signed, but it was not till last thursday that I ceased to doubt if it wd. receive my signature.—The B. Ps. had declared to us at the outsett that it was not the intention of the B. Govt. to grant to the People of the U.S. in future the liberties of fishg & drying &...
I am lately favored with a Letter from thy Son, one of our Ministers at Ghent, acknowledging the receipt of two copies of my Gazetteer, which thou wast good enough to forward for me. That Gentleman, in my estimation, stands on very high ground, & I am gratified to thee for having, so far, procured me his favorable notice. While lately at Washington, I learnt, both from the President & Col....
When Superior genius gives greater Influence in Society than is possessed by inferiour Genius or a mediocrity of Genius, i.e than by the ordinary level of Men, this Superiour Influence, I call natural Aristocracy. This cause you Say is “fluctuating.” What then? It is Aristocracy Still while it exits. And is not Democracy “fluctuating” too? Are the Waves of the Sea, or the Winds of the Air or...
I have recd your favour of the 20th and should have before now sent you a copy of the Olive Branch; but the first Edition is so very imperfect, having been very much hurried in the execution, that I determined to wait till the second is ready. This will probably be about the middle of next week. Mean while I send you by this opportunity such part of the new one as is ready. You may from thence...
Mr. Sargent has perused the Connecticut pamphlet, & returns it with his very respectful acknowledgments. From the terrible “counterblast” against the Hartford Convention, it would hardly be supposed, that this pamphleteer could be an advocate for toleration in anything. Unless quieted by a feeling of complete security, it is to be supposed, that the “Missionary society” is by this time a...
Thanks for yours of Dec. 24. I Still entertain hopes that New England will not be forever alienated from the Southern and the middle States, and therefore take with pleasure, the Liberty of introducing Some of our most promising Young Gentlemen. Mr Gray is on his Travels and Mr George Ticknor. I believe I did not give the latter a Line to you. He has a most amiable Character. He is Said to...
I resigned the office of President of the Academy, before your nomination, and have not since attended a meeting of that learned, and respectable Assembly. When I shall embrace my Son, a felicity for which I devoutly pray, I know not. The President & Mr Munroe’s wishes are complementary, but a great gulph is fixed between him and them. I wish we may not have cause to repent of continuing our...
I have not yet finished what the Poets call an Episode, and Prosemen a digression. Can you Account for a caprice in the public opinion! Burke’s “ Swinish Multitude ,” has not be half so unpopular, nor exited half the Irritation, Odium, Resentment, or Indignation, that “ Well born ” and “Better sort,” have produced. Burke’s Phrase nevertheless must be allowed to be infinitely more...
I am Still upon Birth and my Seventh Argument is. 7. It was a Custom among the Greeks and Romans; probably in all civilized Nations to give Names to the Castles Palaces and Mansions, of their Consulls Dictators and other Magistrates Senators &c This practice is still followed in England France Etc. Among the Ancients the distinctions of Extraction were most commonly marked by the Spots on...
Mr Matthew Carey of Philadelphia has written me, that he has forwarded to you, part of the Sig na tures of the Second Edition of the “Olive Branch” for perusal, after which, to be handed to me, for the purpose of Striking of an Edition of 1250 Copies in Boston. I am very desirous to Commence the publication of this Valuable work, with the least possible delay. I therefore take the liberty to...