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Results 1961-1970 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1961Wednes 8th. (Adams Papers)
This morning about half after four o clock we saw a sail. At about seven o clock we could see her very plain. She hoisted spanish coulours and we french ones and fir’d a Gun: she goes before to Pilot us. We lay to all last night. 9 o clock. We just fir’d a gun for a signal for a Pilot to come on board but none comes yet. 11 o clock. There’s a pilot on board. 1 o clock P M. We have just now...
1962Thursday 9th. (Adams Papers)
This morning My Pappa, Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen, Mr. Thaxter, Sammy Cooper, my brother Charles, and myself came on shore and we all but pappa went and dined at Coll. Fleury’s lodgings which are at a french tavern, the master of which was born in South Carolina. At half after six oclock we went to the play and came back at ten. One thing which is remarkable is that all our Voyage we have not had...
1963[Titlepage] (Adams Papers)
The first of two titlepages to the continuation of JQA ’s journal, the contents of which constitute the latter two-thirds of the Diary booklet, D/JQA/1. The title is followed by the same scrawled design repeated throughout the booklet.
1964[Titlepage] (Adams Papers)
Titlepage A Journal by John Quincy Adams Continuation From The Xth Of December To The Last Of The Same Month MDCCLXXIX
1965Friday 10th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I took a walk about the town but saw nothing worth remarking. At about half after twelve o clock Pappa and Mr. Dana went on board one of the french ships to dine with the Captain and a number of other Gentlemen. At four o’clock Sammy Cooper and Charles went on board the frigate. Nothing more remarkable to day. Dana records having dined with Hippolyte, Comte de Sade, Chef...
1966Saturday 11th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon a Captain of one of the french men of War came and very politely invited me on board to dine with him. Mr. Thaxter my brother Charles and I went on board of the Jason of 64 Guns. There are three French Men of War here the Triumphant of 80 Guns the Sovereign of 74 and the Jason of 64. The Captain and all the officers were all exceeding polite. At about 5 o clock we came back. We...
1967Sunday 12th. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to the French Consuls to ask him if he went to day. He said that it blew so smart and right against us that it was impossible for us to go to day and that he would take proper Measures to go to morrow by Land. 4 o clock P.M. Rains very hard, Thunder and lightning. 7 1/2. The Weather has clear’d up. I have just been (with Mr Dana, Mr. Allen, Mr. Thaxter, Sammy Cooper, and my...
1968Monday Evening 13th. (Adams Papers)
Very rainy all this day. It is impossible to go to Coronna to day. 10 o clock. I have been to the play with Mr. Dana, Mr. Allen, Mr. Thaxter, and my Brother Charles. We saw there Captain Chavagnes, Mr. De Goesbriand, and all the officers of the Ship and one of the officers of the jason. The actors are very indifferent and so are the musiciens. There are some fine dancers there but I beleive...
1969Tuesday 14th. (Adams Papers)
The French consul was here last night (he is to go to Coronna with us). He told us that he would send a man this morning to tell us if it was possible to go to Coronna this day. At 10 o clock a Messenger came to our lodgings after our things. The Muletiers came and carried our things down to the boat. At 4 o clock the Consul came and told us we should set out to Morrow morning at 5 o clock in...
1970Wednesday 15th. (Adams Papers)
This morning at 5 o clock the Consul’s servant came and wak’d us up. We dress’d and drank a cup of Chocolat. After breakfast the Consul came and told us he was ready. We then went down to the wharf and went on board a boat to cross over the other Side of the bason. When we arrived the Muletiers were not quite ready but we soon got ready, and then we sot out like so many Don Quixote’s and...