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Results 1961-1970 of 184,431 sorted by author
upon my return from Boston where I passt a few days I found your very agreable Letter of october 28th for which accept my thanks. it afforded me much entertainment. the contrast between the Simplicity of Republicanism and the plain the, and then Manners, contrasted with the Stile of magnificence you describe affords ample scope for reflection, not that I consider it improper or unfit that the...
I write you a few lines just to say that I send your mother a century Sermon, preached in this town when your Grandfather was about four years old. He says he recollects the day—as his mother carried him to meeting and pointed out to him the old lady Penniman mentioned in the Sermon said to be near an hundred years old—The Sermon had got out of print—A number of persons who wished to preserve...
I began to feel very much in want of a talk from you, this morning it came. I had written my Eyes almost out to get Letters ready to go to Newyork which I now send, to go by the vessel you Speak of, but if that vessel is gone then please to put them all w under the cover which I Send for the purpose, and the Letter also addrest to John, but do not send the Letter to John, unless the others go;...
enclosed is the money which mrs Welsh advanced upon your account which you will pay her, and get her to Sign the Receit enclosed. you have not sent your shoes to be mended—& Charl e s if bare foot I have no compassion for as he would not take the trouble to call upon the shoe maker, he ought to feel the concequence—I Shall expect to see you on Saturday your affectionate G M MHi : Adams Papers.
upon looking over my list, I find that I have written to you a Letter every month, since october. my last Letter was in Janry 21st, written immediatly after receiving yours of Sepbr 21, informing me of the loss of your Dear Babe. I wrote to Mrs Adams at the Same time. the Letters went in a cartel to Liverpool, through the kindness of a Friend. Since that period I have not received a line from...
I have not yet acknowledged your favour of June 27th I go so seldom into the buisy world, that I can get little to amuse or entertain you with. Harriet too is yet with her Sister. She always had something of foreign or domestic to amuse us with—I miss her much, and that upon the Childrens account, as well as my own—The fourth of July has past with much Eclat, and good humour in Boston, with an...
yours of July 21, I received by the last Mail I was just going to ask the cause of your long Silence, when your Letter arrived and fully explaind it to me. I regrret that it arose from so many painfull causes, but our Lot is a Checkerd one. I have had a Share of late my dear Sister, whose Life I despared when I wrote last to you, Still Survives, for some little time We flatterd ourselves that...
No further intelligence from our Children has yet reached us my Dear Madam, than a Letter from mr Gray to his Mother dated in March, in which he mentions that mr Adams has an inflamation in his Eyes,and had hurt one of his Legs. I have always had a fear for Eyes, one of which was threatned with a complaint which might call for Surgecal operation, the constant glare from ice and snow in so cold...
My last Note went to you by mr Marston, with two Letters enclosed—I did not write on Saturday as mr A. calld before I had leisure in the morning—it is now five weeks Since Susan was confined, and She is not able to Sit up more than half the day—She has been much weakened by an inflamation and much pain. added to that, what is calld the Miliary Eruption, which I never before Saw, but which I...
I have not committed burglary this time—Caroline haven written in the cover, all well the 9th of Sep’br no I did not tell her of the liberty I took, So you need not go to frighten her least I should See clandestanly what you will communicate voluntaryly (Susan would Say See : G M—how you spell, So I will mend the word, voluntarily I did write you a note yesterday by the C. mail, did you not...