Thomas Jefferson Papers

Theodorus Bailey to Thomas Jefferson, 2 May 1811

From Theodorus Bailey

New-York, 2d May 1811.

Dear Sir,

I now do myself the honor to inclose to you, a Map of the western Part of the State of New York, on which is delineated the Route of A projected Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson’s River; which has been completed within the current Week: I some time since transmitted to you, the Report of the Commissioners (appointed by the Legislature of this State) on the subject.

With great respect and esteem I am Dear sir, your Obedt huml servt

Theodorus Bailey

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 12 May 1811 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: John H. Eddy and Peter Maverick, Map of the Western Part of the State of New York: Shewing the Route of a Proposed Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson’s River (Newark, N.J., 1811).

Index Entries

  • Bailey, Theodorus; and map of N.Y. search
  • Bailey, Theodorus; letters from search
  • Bailey, Theodorus; Report of the Commissioners search
  • canals; Erie search
  • Eddy, John Henry; Map of the Western Part of the State of New York search
  • Erie Canal search
  • Hudson River search
  • Lake Erie; proposed canal to search
  • Map of the Western Part of the State of New York (Eddy and Maverick) search
  • maps; of projected Erie Canal search
  • Maverick, Peter; Map of the Western Part of the State of New York search
  • New York (state); maps of search
  • New York (state); Report of the Commissioners search
  • Report of the Commissioners (Bailey and others) search