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Results 19601-19650 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have recd your letter of 22d of Jany and as I wish to dispose of my Land near you (as well as...
I have received your letter of the 10. of August —and am very sorry to find that so far as it...
As I have not received a line from you for more than fifteen months, and am altogether in the...
ALS : The Royal Society When I left London, I promis’d myself the pleasure of a regular...
ALS : the Royal Society I have just received the enclos’d from Dr. Priestly. And as it contains...
ALS : The Royal Society Dr. Priestly left these Specimens of the Circles with me to be produc’d...
MS not available: facsimile of ALS : The Royal Society Franklin’s interest in magic squares and...
ALS : The Royal Society When I was at Paris about 10 Days since, I was told that a Comet was then...
ALS : The Royal Society What pass’d at the Society last Thursday night, was chiefly, a Motion for...
AL : The Royal Society Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. Canton, and is sorry to find that he...
ALS : The Royal Society After the Society was gone, my Lord Moreton said, (when I offer’d him the...
AL : The Royal Society Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. Canton, and requests he would procure...
ALS : Yale University Library Dr. Ingenhauss and myself purpose to set out on Friday next to...
AL : The Royal Society <An undated note in the third person. Business prevents Franklin from...
I have recd. your letter of the 5th. inst: and thank you for your disposition to accommodate...
I have not been able to find an opportunity to acknowledge the receit of the esteemed favour with...
Upon my Return to Town, to day I found your Favour of the 5th. instant: that of 31. Ult I had...
I have the honour of your Letter of the twenty ninth of April, and will look up the Papers You...
I have this day recieved the Letter, which You did me the Honour to write me on the sixteenth...
I have received the Letter, which you did me the Honour to write me, on the 28. Ultimo. The...
Returning last Evening from the Hague I had the Pleasure to find your kind Favour of the Sixth of...
I find myself so happy, as to be honoured with a Letter from your patriotic Society of the City...
The very acceptable present of the patriotic Society of the City of Enkhuysen, came safe to me a...
I have the honour to inclose, a Smal Pamphlet lately published, which in this critical Moment may...
It was not in my power to write the letter for Mr. Van der Kemp the evening before I left Paris;...
I shall draw upon you in a few days to the Amount of about £150 in two Setts of Exchange: the one...
On Board the America Captn Lewis I have Shipped you Twelve hhds of Master John Parke Custis’s...
Of this date I have drawn upon you in favour of Mr James Gibson for One hundred pounds Sterling...
Of this date I have drawn upon you for Two hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling in favour of Peyton...
Your favours of the 20th of Augt & 20th of Novr (which are all the Letters that have come to hand...
Your favour of the 1st of October I did not receive till yesterday, where it has lain ever since...
I have just drawn upon you (of this date) for One hundred pounds Sterlg in favour of Mr James...
On the 12th June last I wrote you fully, and addressd Copies to which be referd. and gave you...
By my friend Mr Fairfax I take the oppertunity of acknowledging the receipt of your favour pr...
Since mine of the 28th of June, last year, I have been favour’d with your two Letters of the 27th...
Your favour of the 20th March came to my hands 3 days ago. I have never receivd any Letter from...
By the Hanbury Captn Eston, I have shipd you eight Hhds of Mastr Custis’s Tobo, and hopes you...
On Board a Ship of Mr Mills’s (Virga) calld the Deliverance I have Shipd 20 Hhds Tobo for your...
By the Fauquier Captn Nicks you will receive 12 Hhds of Master Custis’s Tobacco which please to...
With this Letter you will receive the Copy of a former of the 20th Septr. Five days ago I wrote...
It will be needless I presume, unless it be for Formsake, to tell you so long after the thing has...
Your Letters to Master Custis & myself of the 10th of Decr by Captn Eston are both come to my...
The bearer of this, Mr Benja. Sebastian, a young Gentleman of this Country is going Home for Holy...
Your favour of the 15th Septr, which is the last Letter that I have receivd from you, now lyes...
Your favours of the 24th of April 29th July and first of December now lye before me, and I coud...
Je viens de recevoir, Monsieur, de Monsieur Peters une lettre de change sur votre compte pour...
I have recieved your letter of Oct. 20. wherein you express a wish to obtain a deed for the...
I understand that the Convention of New-Jersey did resolve that Govr Franklin was an Enemy to the...
I have already communicated to you some general instructions to govern you in the execution of...
I have this day written to the Collector of Boston informing him, that in addition to his duty as...