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Results 19601-19630 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have recd your letter of 22d of Jany and as I wish to dispose of my Land near you (as well as...
I have received your letter of the 10. of August —and am very sorry to find that so far as it...
As I have not received a line from you for more than fifteen months, and am altogether in the...
ALS : The Royal Society When I left London, I promis’d myself the pleasure of a regular...
ALS : the Royal Society I have just received the enclos’d from Dr. Priestly. And as it contains...
ALS : The Royal Society Dr. Priestly left these Specimens of the Circles with me to be produc’d...
MS not available: facsimile of ALS : The Royal Society Franklin’s interest in magic squares and...
ALS : The Royal Society When I was at Paris about 10 Days since, I was told that a Comet was then...
ALS : The Royal Society What pass’d at the Society last Thursday night, was chiefly, a Motion for...
AL : The Royal Society Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. Canton, and is sorry to find that he...
ALS : The Royal Society After the Society was gone, my Lord Moreton said, (when I offer’d him the...
AL : The Royal Society Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. Canton, and requests he would procure...
ALS : Yale University Library Dr. Ingenhauss and myself purpose to set out on Friday next to...
AL : The Royal Society <An undated note in the third person. Business prevents Franklin from...
I have recd. your letter of the 5th. inst: and thank you for your disposition to accommodate...
I have not been able to find an opportunity to acknowledge the receit of the esteemed favour with...
Upon my Return to Town, to day I found your Favour of the 5th. instant: that of 31. Ult I had...
I have the honour of your Letter of the twenty ninth of April, and will look up the Papers You...
I have this day recieved the Letter, which You did me the Honour to write me on the sixteenth...
I have received the Letter, which you did me the Honour to write me, on the 28. Ultimo. The...
Returning last Evening from the Hague I had the Pleasure to find your kind Favour of the Sixth of...
I find myself so happy, as to be honoured with a Letter from your patriotic Society of the City...
The very acceptable present of the patriotic Society of the City of Enkhuysen, came safe to me a...
I have the honour to inclose, a Smal Pamphlet lately published, which in this critical Moment may...
It was not in my power to write the letter for Mr. Van der Kemp the evening before I left Paris;...
I shall draw upon you in a few days to the Amount of about £150 in two Setts of Exchange: the one...
On Board the America Captn Lewis I have Shipped you Twelve hhds of Master John Parke Custis’s...
Of this date I have drawn upon you in favour of Mr James Gibson for One hundred pounds Sterling...
Of this date I have drawn upon you for Two hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling in favour of Peyton...
Your favours of the 20th of Augt & 20th of Novr (which are all the Letters that have come to hand...