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Results 19601-19650 of 184,431 sorted by author
Dedham [Mass.] 2 April 1776 . Inform that they have chosen David Sanford to be chaplain of their...
Influenced by a sincere Attachment to the Welfare of the Public and duly sensible of your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Sur I make bold of being an american prisoner I make to...
I have received the favour of your letter of April 18 in which I regret the mistake relative to...
by this days mail Stage I forward to you a box containing eleven Copies Freneaus Poems directed...
Seeds Saved 1794 Pease   Early Dwarf Reid. Speckled Snap Onions   Early Charlton Golden Dwarf—...
I now do myself the honor to inclose to you, a Map of the western Part of the State of New York ,...
22 September 1801, Poughkeepsie. Has discovered that Levi McKeen, without Bailey’s consent or...
I have been duly favored with your note under date of the 14 th instant: and in In obedience to...
An unclaimed letter under your frank, addressed to M r George Jones — New york , remains in this...
The letter under cover has remained in this Office unclaimed for a considerable time—We know not...
I have been duly favored with your Note covering a letter for M r Van der Kemp —and in obedience...
Presuming that it may afford you Some gratification to see the doings of the late Convention of...
A few days since I had the pleasure to receive a letter from you, covering one addressed to M r...
Poughkeepsie [ New York ] January 17, 1786 . Sends information concerning a litigation about...
§ From Theodorus Bailey. 12 August 1806, New York. “I am informed by a particular and respectable...
By the Mail of saturday, I was honored with your communication , covering a letter to M r Warden...
I have just been informed, that an appointment of Commercial Agent for the United States at the...
The United States Ship Cyane, Creighton Commander,—having our Minister to France (M r Brown) on...
I have lately been favored with a communication from General Armstrong, our Minister at Paris,...
By the Mail of this Morning, I had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 28 th of March ,...
Your two letters for England, covered in yours to me of the 11 th and 14 th instant, were duly...
I wrote you by the Mail of yesterday, informing you, that I was in treaty for the purchase of the...
I have been duly favored with your Letters covering a communication from you to M r King on the...
I now transmit under cover Mr. DeVille’s bill and receipt for the 400 bottles of Champaigne...
By the mail of yesterday, I was honored with your letter of the 21st. instant, covering a...
By the mail of this morning I had the honor of receiving your note under date of the 29. of March...
By the Ship Thalia, Captain Silliman, last from Falmouth, Three Packets for the Secretary State,...
A day or two after I had forwarded your Letter for M r Warden , to New Port RI. that Gentleman...
I have been honored with your note bearing the post-mark of the 4th inst, & covering a letter...
In my letter of the 25 th of October, I informed you that M r Raggi had, at your request,...
I do myself the honor to transmit to you herewith a copy of the Report of the Commissioners...
I was honored with your letter under date of the 10th: instant, on thursday. and shall be very...
As you have in the course of your political life contributed largely to the internal improvement...
I do myself the honor to transmit to you, by this day’s mail a Map of the Country and waters...
On the 22 d instant I acknowledged your letter covering one addressed to M. Giacomo Raggi an...
How much did it cost under the late Administration to pay Algiers for the years 1796–97 & –98?...
In place of the map of the northern and western parts of this State , by M r Lay , which I some...
I have now the pleasure to inform you that your letter to M r Appleton, was yesterday put into...
Your letter under date of the 3 d & bearing the Post Mark of the 6 th instant, was received here...
By this morning’s mail I was honored with your note under date of the 7th. instant, covering a...
5 January 1796. JM has sold to Theodorus Bailey and John B. Van Wyck his land known as lot number...
I do myself the honor to transmit to you under cover, a letter from the Post-Master at...
Your letter enclosed to me on the 28 th July for M r King in London was duly rec d and was...
We take the liberty to recommend the following Gentlemen as suitable persons to be appointed...
I have the honor to state to your excellency that, in 1812 I was appointed 1st Lieutenant in the...
Letter not found: from William Bailey, 19 November. On 22 Nov. GW wrote Bailey : “I have received...
ALS : American Philosophical Society La Reponse que me Raportent par le Courier de ce jour mes...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Bailly présente ses respects à Monsieur Franklin. Il a...
L : Historical Society of Pennsylvania M. Bailly présente ses respects à Monsieur Franklin. Il a...