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Results 19601-19630 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By Capt. Swan of the new Levies just going off for the City, I take the Liberty of enclosing a...
New York, 7 July 1776 . Acknowledges the General Court’s letter of 2 July and thanks its members...
I have been honored with your favors of the 3d and 4th instant and return you my sincere thanks...
I Received your favour of the 30th Ulto and doubt not but the powder claimed by the Assembly of...
I Received yours of the 19th U[l]to and directd the papers you wrote for to be Transmitted you,...
You will hear by this Conveyance, itts probable that the small pox is likely to spread here...
196078 July., 8 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
8 July. The congress resolved that George Washington have the power to call to New York the...
Mr. Paca can show You the Declaration of our Convention, different from the one in December. We...
The Small pox having of late spread much in the Town, it was judged impracticable to prevent its...
Reprinted from The North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), October 12, 1855....
19611General Orders, 8 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
The new Levies from Connecticut, and New-Jersey, daily arriving—a Report is to be made every day...
19612Council of War, 8 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
At a Conference of General Officers and others at Head Quarters July 8 1776 Present His Excell⟨y⟩...
Letter not found: to John Parke Custis, 8 July 1776. Custis wrote GW on 8 Aug. : “Your Letters of...
Congress having resolved to raise a Regiment of Germans to counteract the designs of our Enemies,...
I do myself the Honour of enclosing sundry Resolves of Congress, to which I beg Leave to refer...
Your favour of yesterday with the Inclosures is recieved. Col. Puttnam went over yesterday &...
On examining Bergen Neck I found some stock of black Cattle & Horses still remaind there—and that...
By a letter from his Honor Govr Trumbull received on the 5th Inst. I was informed he had ordered...
For news I refer you to your brother who writes on that head. I enclose you a copy of the...
19620[Monday July 15. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday July 15. 1776. A Letter from Mr. Jay and two Letters from the Convention of New York of...
New York, 9–14 July 1776 . “Your Memorialists are of Opinion that suffering Tories to remain in...
196229 July., 9 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
9 July. The congress named officers for the Virginia Rifle Company and resolved that money be...
Yours of the 5th came to me the 8th. You will see by this Post, that the River is past and the...
Whether to act in a civil or military department, many are the disadvantages attendant upon those...
19625General Orders, 9 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
John Evans of Capt: Ledyards Company Col. McDougall’s Regiment—Hopkins Rice of Capt: Pierce’s...
In answer to your request communicated by Mr Peters’s Letter of the 6th Instant I am to inform...
By a Letter received by Congress from Mr Thomas Green Coppy of which they did me the honor to...
From a view of the present important contest with Great Britain it appears that the war is but in...
You will perceive by the Inclosed Declaration, which I have the honor to Transmit you, that...
Nothing extraordinary has happened here; The Frigate that appeard yesterday under Sail standing...