19601To George Washington from Brigadier General William Livingston, 7 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
By Capt. Swan of the new Levies just going off for the City, I take the Liberty of enclosing a...
19602From George Washington to the Massachusetts General Court, 7 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
New York, 7 July 1776 . Acknowledges the General Court’s letter of 2 July and thanks its members...
19603From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 7 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
I have been honored with your favors of the 3d and 4th instant and return you my sincere thanks...
19604From George Washington to Major General Artemas Ward, 7 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
I Received your favour of the 30th Ulto and doubt not but the powder claimed by the Assembly of...
19605From George Washington to William Watson, 7 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
I Received yours of the 19th U[l]to and directd the papers you wrote for to be Transmitted you,...
19606Isaac Smith Sr. to John Adams, 8 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
You will hear by this Conveyance, itts probable that the small pox is likely to spread here...
196078 July., 8 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
8 July. The congress resolved that George Washington have the power to call to New York the...
19608To John Adams from Samuel Chase, 8 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
Mr. Paca can show You the Declaration of our Convention, different from the one in December. We...
19609To John Adams from Joseph Ward, 8 July 1776 (Adams Papers)
The Small pox having of late spread much in the Town, it was judged impracticable to prevent its...
19610The Committee of Secret Correspondence to [Silas Deane], 8 July 1776 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from The North American and United States Gazette (Philadelphia), October 12, 1855....