George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Peter Hog, 2 June 1756

To Peter Hog

[Winchester, 2 June 1756]

To Captain Peter Hogg. of the Virginia Regiment.

I herewith send you three hundred and eighty-nine pounds, ten shillings, to pay off your company until the first of July; by Mr Jones, who is desired to send an Express (who you are to pay) immediately, to let you know of it:1 Upon which you must send an Officer and a proper Guard to receive it. Major Lewis received cash to pay off the arrears of all your Company.2 Whilper can not expect to receive pay, as he left the Service in such a manner3—How happened it that you should have more arrears due than the other officers?4 You may discharge Henry Kelly: and, if Bridgen will get a good man, it will be best to get quit of him; as he has such an encumbrance with him5—Commissary Walker sends you fifty pounds to pay for Provisions, &c. for your company.6 I am &c.



1GW was referring to Gabriel Jones (1724–1806), a leading lawyer of the region who a few years before had moved from Frederick County to Augusta County. For a full identification of Jones, “the Valley Lawyer,” see GW’s Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 4:55–56.

3Sgt. John David Wilper (Woelpper) joined GW immediately after the surrender of Fort Necessity. The circumstances of Wilper’s leaving the service for a time are unknown, but his absence probably was prior to the period for which the pay was in arrears, i.e., before 1754. Hog’s returns for the spring of 1756 report all three sergeants at the fort or “on party.” GW’s 12 July 1756 orders also list Wilper as one of the sergeants assigned to Captain Hog’s company.

4Hog claimed his salary was four months in arrears. See Hog to GW, 14 May 1756.

5For information on the discharges of Henry Kelly and Robart Bridger, see ibid., especially notes 13 and 14.

6In his letter to GW of 17 May Hog requested money to pay for corn, flour, salt, and iron for the use of his troops at Fort Dinwiddie.

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