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Results 19591-19620 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
19591 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 24 December 1795 1795-12-24 I wrote you this morning inclosing a Post note for 600 and went to Senate with full Expectation...
19592 Franklin, Benjamin Cowper, Lancelot From Benjamin Franklin to Lancelot Cowper, 13 March … 1772-03-13 ALS : Yale University Library I was favoured by your Forwarding a Letter to me the 7th of last...
19593 Butler, Zebulon Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Zebulon Butler, 12 … 1780-12-12 This Waits on you with a return of the Garrision we have lately had a Visit from the Enemy. a...
19594 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Smith to John Adams, 19 April 1764 1764-04-19 Why my good Man, thou hast the curiosity of a Girl. Who could have believed that only a slight...
19595 Lear, Tobias Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tobias Lear, 14 December … 1790-12-14 [ Philadelphia ] December 14, 1790 . Encloses “a Provisional Contract between William Ellery and...
19596 Jefferson, Thomas Oldham, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Oldham, 30 August 1807 1807-08-30 Your letter of July 26. came on to this place after I had disposed of all my August funds, which...
19597 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 16 May 1833 1833-05-16 I have just recd. from Doctr. Dunglison a letter of which the inclosed is a copy; and I lose no...
19598 Franklin, William Galloway, Joseph William Franklin to Joseph Galloway, 16 June 1760 1760-06-16 ALS : Yale University Library I wrote you a few Lines on Saturday last to go per the Pacquet, in...
19599 Adams, John Quincy 28th. 1787-02-28 Mr. Williams gave us an astronomical lecture this afternoon. The sodality met, in the evening at...
19600 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, John From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenant of … 1780-12-24 A powerful army &c. [same as the letter to County Lieutenants of Hampshire and Berkeley. To the...
19601 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 April 1798] 1798-04-24 24. Clear with but little wind, from No. W. Mer. 51 morning. Calm mid day & wind at So. Et. at...
19602 Law, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Law, 8 February 1797 1797-02-08 I yesterday delivered a Lre into the Commissioners Office and returning from thence in company...
19603 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 13 September … 1805-09-13 (To be added to those on Sea Weeds) If the gentleman from the Isle of Fromme mentioned in your...
19604 Jay, John Vardill, John From John Jay to John Vardill, 23 May 1774 1774-05-23 In a Town filled with Politics, and with a Mind crouded with many indigested Ideas, I have taken...
19605 Brown, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Brown, 7 September 1802 1802-09-07 From the encouragement which literature has received from you, I am encouraged to solicit the...
19606 Knox, Henry Lear, Tobias Henry Knox to Tobias Lear, 1 December 1792 1792-12-01 Be pleased to submit to the President of the United states, the enclosed from Genl Wayne. Yours...
19607 Jefferson, Thomas List of Newspapers, [ca. 23 April 1802] 1802-04-23 [ca. 23 Apr. 1802] Boston Chronicle Telegraph 3. 3. } Genl. Varnum Connect. American Mercury Bee...
19608 Terrell, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Terrell, 24 September … 1799-09-24 Not hearing from you at the District Court respecting the Bills in Chancery I delivered from my...
19609 Montgomery, Robert Adams, John To John Adams from Robert Montgomery, 26 April 1783 1783-04-26 After so long a Silence please permit me to address Your Excell y: with my sincere And Most Harty...
19610 Washington, George III-C-1. Schedule C: Account of Martha Washington’s … 1759-10-01 Dr George Washington Esqr. Sterling Currt Money To Mrs Washington’s Dower in the Negroes appraisd...
19611 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 28 January … 1786-01-28 I did intend to save you the trouble of sending up the ten Dollars advanced to Jno. Fairfax on...
19612 Neil, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Neil, 21 May 1797 1797-05-21 Your Excellency will justly think this address a piece of presumption, the nature of the business...
19613 Adams, John 4 Tuesday. 1756-05-04 Let any man, suppose of the most improved understanding, look upon a watch, when the Parts of it...
19614 Keith, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Keith, 25 February 1789 1789-02-25 I have inclosed a Sketch of a notification for Mr West acquainting him with the Reason of his...
19615 Walsh, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Walsh, 17 October 1793 1793-10-17 In addition to what he wrote this morning by the Fair Hebe , two American brigs and a schooner...
19616 Minor, Peter Madison, James To James Madison from Peter Minor, 9 October 1822 1822-10-09 Prefixed, I have the pleasure of forwarding to you an extract from the proceedings of the...
19617 Virginia Delegates Harrison, Benjamin Virginia Delegates to Benjamin Harrison, 14–15 August … 1783-08-14 RC (Virginia State Library). Cover missing. In the hand of Arthur Lee, except for the signatures...
19618 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 February 1774] 1774-02-14 14. Again at home all day. To Dinner came Master Geo. Carlyle—who went away afterwards with his...
19619 Skipwith, Fulwar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Fulwar Skipwith, 10 October … 1790-10-10 On the 30th. Ulto. I did myself the pleasure to address your Excellency, expressing the hope I...
19620 Smith, Larkin Madison, James To James Madison from Larkin Smith, 3 May 1809 1809-05-03 Having at all times felt the most ardent desire to promote the interest and happiness of my...