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Results 19591-19620 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Although much indisposed duty compells me to Send you a few lines—and as I feel allways Somewhat...
I hope not, I dare Say more, I am confident, you deem it not an intrusion, when I write you So...
The communications of our Plenepotentiaries at Ghent give complete evidence of the temper & views...
Your last Letter has affected me more than any I ever received from You. The Loss of your Friend...
I was made happy by your last esteemed favor, from its assuring me that your health was restored...
Though I had been prepared, by your friend Dr Freeman to apprehend the melancholy information in...
I thank you for your pamphlet, which I read with great Satisfaction It is written with admirable...
I have great pleasure in giving this Letter to the Gentleman who requests it. The Revd David...
Your Letter of the 10th is too delicious, to be disgraced by Ceremonies and Apologies in my...
I hope you will not think me a Fanatic, because I introduce Clergyman to you. The Truth is that...
The Revd. Mr Edward Everett, though in early youth is desirous of Seeing the oldest Patriot and...
There are two Men in this World, who shall know and Esteem each other, if I can bring them...
From your very kind reception of Mr Colman I am encouraged to introduce to you another of our...
After this Letter was written and erroneously inclosed I recd yours of 23d which is merry and...
Your Letter of the 15th, which I very highly esteem, now received last night, after I have given...
Your Letter of the 23 has given me as much gaiety as all the fine Weather of the month Mr...
Although not in a mood to perform anÿ Serious thing, I must try to procure me Some relief—in...
Mr Dallas insists upon it that the emperor Alexander is a republican. As one proof of it he tells...
In my last, I ventured to Say, that I would hint, in this, at a principal Misconception that had...
Another of the Patriots of the Revolution is gone: The Vice President was dressed as usual to...
“Alexander a Republican”! Was not Napoleon a Republican? A Republican Signifies, “any thing,...
Your’s of the tenth has been longer than usual on the Way, This Vault of Air, this congregated...
A variety of avocations, and a degree of ill health, has prevented me till now from making my...
When my Son departed for Russia, I injoined upon him to write nothing to me, which he was not...
In your 4th page, you give Us your Opinion “that the moral Efforts of Mankind, towards political...
I am very much obliged to you for the information, melancholly as it is to me, of the death of Mr...
Gerry! Gerry! Gerry! You was the last of my Colleagues! I am left alone! It cannot be long before...
I rcd yours of Octr 29, by Mr Everit: a young Gentleman with whose Talents I had been previously...
Chicanery has been So often concerted in nocturnal caucusses in this Country by both parties,...
George has just called for the Discourses on Devila. I am ashamed of having kept this book so...