James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Samuel Overton, 18 May 1811

From Samuel Overton

Nashvill Tennessee 18th of May. 1811

Dr Sir

Shall I be permited to correspond with you as a man fair removed from my one native Country. What was the reson that the Minister from the Spanish Dominions in South America could not be duly received and accredited at the City of Washington. I do not now wright to you for an Office not being authorised to do so—th⟨o:⟩ as a ⟨former?⟩ Nieghbour you will not think me presuming & suffice it to say that you were first ellected to Congress from the District we were both born in and rased to what we all is.1 You are presidant—and myself a priviate citizen let it be remember that this communication is not intended to Test for an office. With due respect I am your obedient St.

Samuel Overton


1Members of the Overton family could be found in large numbers throughout Hanover, Louisa, and Orange Counties in Virginia. Samuel Overton was possibly one of the sons of Capt. James Overton and his wife, Elizabeth Garland Overton. Another of their sons, John Overton, migrated to Nashville, Tennessee, where he became the friend and business partner of Andrew Jackson (Malcolm H. Harris, History of Louisa County, Virginia [Richmond, 1936], pp. 397–99; William H. B. Thomas, Patriots of the Upcountry: Orange County, Virginia, in the Revolution [Orange, Va., 1976], p. 116).

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