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Results 19531-19540 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your Letter of July the 13th came to hand two days ago; we are well pleased with the spirited manner in which the insurrection of the tories has been suppressed. As to the appropriation of the plunder of the insurgents among the militia, who were engaged in the expedition, you are too well acquainted with our government not to know that no power of doing that is lodged with the executive. You...
I Returnd to this place on friday last after a Tour of 19 Days. It happend very fortunate our going out at the Time we Did as there was a large Body of Indians Collected in powel’s Valey which we should most Certainly have fallen in with, if Majr. Lewis had not alarm’d them. I was at one Camp wheare there could not be less then a hundred. Several other Trails of Smaller parties all makeing...
Your several favors of the 10th and 16th of May and 22d of August with their enclosures have been received—The information which they communicate claims my thanks, and the personal kindness they express is entitled to my grateful acknowledgments. Watchful over every interest of the Union, Congress during their present Session, have passed a Law authorising the appointment of Commissioners to...
I have received your several favours by Mr. Lathim and am much pleased at the happy issue of the expedition against the Cherokees. I wish it to be used for the purpose of bringing about peace, which under our present circumstances is as necessary for us as it can possibly be to them. If you can effect this a right should be reserved of building a fort at the confluence of Holston and...
Yours of the 20th of February, by Express, has been submitted to the Council. The Executive do not conceive themselves authorized to order a Guard for the Ammunition of the chickasaw Indians, more especially as the place, where it is deposited; is not within the limits of the state. They will therefore forward your letter to the president of the United States. As the safety of this ammunition...
We are sorry it is not in our power to send you the Commissions desired for two Sets of Field Officers. The Act of Assembly allows this only where there are 1,000 Militia in a County and the last Return from yours makes them only 829. Should they be increased to the number required by Law we shall be glad on receiving a return thereof to issue the Commissions desired. Captain Kincaid receives...
I have to acknolege the reciept of your favor of July 4. and to recognise in it the sentiments you have ever held, and worthy of the day on which it is dated. It is true that a party has risen up among us, or rather has come among us, which is endeavoring to separate us from all friendly connection with France, to unite our destinies with those of Great Britain, and to assimilate our...
I recieved the last night your favor of the 16 th and hasten to acknolege it. I had before remarked in the newspapers an account of your new invented loom , which appeared to promise considerab le advantages. but manufacturing with me is on too small a scale to make it an object, making only coarse cloths for my family and people. two common looms with flying shuttles do this. I had at one...
The Army under the Comd of G: Braddock has met with an fortunate defeat, ⟨ erasure ⟩ un⟨ erasure ⟩ which has occasioned my retn much sooner than was ⟨ erasure ⟩from the Ohio; expectd⟨.⟩ This circumstance enables me ⟨ erasure ⟩ full time to ⟨ erasure ⟩ order s the Militia of the several Countys in my district, to meet me; on the days I have appointed.
Letter not found: to Daniel Campbell, 31 Mar. 1754. On 28 June 1754 Campbell wrote to GW from Falmouth: “I was agreeably favour’d with yours of the 31st March last.” Campbell was a Scottish merchant living in Falmouth. In 1753 he served as master of the Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge No. 4 A.F. & A.M. , of which GW was a member.