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Results 1951-1960 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have just heard from New Ark, that the Enimy are medetating a Blow against the Town of Boston, and the Fleet there, they are now busily imployed in embarking Seven thousand Troops for the purpose, and will in a few Days sail—Mr Johnson who is my Informer is now here, and will wait on your Excellency, if you will send him a Permit to cross the Ferry immediately, he then can give your...
I have this Evening had the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 16th. ulto. I have hitherto been fearful that the details and information in my power to convey from this Country would rather prove tiresome than acceptable and on that account have only risked troubling you with what I thought indispensable, I am happy to learn that these Communications will not be taken amiss and it will...
Your favor of Jany. 26. came duly to hand. The information I wish to be obtained from Genl. Jackson is 1st. What was the form & dates of the appointments of Brigadier, and of Brevet Major General, accepted by him in his letter of June 8th. 1814. to the Secy. of war; and what the date of the Secretary’s letter inclosing the appointments. The term “form” refers to the distinction between...
Shall I be permited to correspond with you as a man fair removed from my one native Country. What was the reson that the Minister from the Spanish Dominions in South America could not be duly received and accredited at the City of Washington. I do not now wright to you for an Office not being authorised to do so—th⟨o:⟩ as a ⟨former?⟩ Nieghbour you will not think me presuming & suffice it to...
I have recd your favour of the 21, inclosing my Letter to Dr James Rush of April 30th. If you or Mr Clark could want any proof of the Utility, importance or necessity of The History of the Navy which you have published and propose to enlarge and improve it would be worth while to revise our American Historians for 1775. 1776. &c. Since I received your Book I have had the Curiosity to consult...
I left Washington the 5th. and arrived here last evening. The letter which you did me the honor to write the 22d Ult. reached me on the 4th when I was occupied in arrangements for leaving the Seat of government. I remained in Washington on the 4th. thro’ necessity tho not without some curiosity to see the inauguration & to hear the speech. The scene was the same as exhibited upon former...
It is long since I have ceased to read any newspaper but yours , and I shall continue to read no other. withdrawing therefore from all others I pray you to have me discontinued as a subscriber to the Compiler. should the legislature have the report of the University Commissioners printed in a pamphlet be so good as to send me half a dozen copies. mr Gibson as usual will pay you for these as...
August 13, 1793. “I am informed (by a letter Just now received) of the death of Mr Ballard Surveyor of Baltimore, and am strongly Urged by some Respectable people there to apply for your Interest for a Mr Robert Walsh of that Place as his Successor …” ALS , RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters, 1790–1799, National Archives. FitzSimons was a Federalist member of the House of Representatives from...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 15, 1781 . Directs Heath to prepare the light companies for march to Morristown. Sends general instructions. LS , in writing of H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
I am very sorry for the delay which has happened in sending the passport. I received it the 20th. of Apr. and sent it the [same] day to Majr. Genl. Baron Steuben to be forwarded. He immediately delivered my letter covering it to an officer with orders to proceed. The papers being directed to Genl. Phillips the officer was uncertain whether he was at Portsm. or with the British army then coming...