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Results 19501-19550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Yours of 14th are here. You must take hints: I cannot write Letters. Half recovered from a former...
When I meet The beattified Spirit I Shall Say to him, with our mutual frankness, “Sir you ought...
In your favor of the 26th. Novembert last you say, “that you ventured to say, that about a third...
We take the liberty to send you by mail a copy of Arator, written by Col. John Taylor of Caroline...
I send you a curiosity. Mr M Kean, is mistaken in a day or two, the final vote of Independence,...
Your favour of Jan 26 is received, and a shower of obligations with it, before it, and after it,...
I have received your kind letter of the 25th. January. I am pleased that my undertaking has met...
Being now pretty free from headache, I will indulge myself in the pleasure, to cheer mÿ depressed...
Mr Hay is the son in law of Mr Munroe, and the day after I received your last favor I took the...
Fill the glass to the brim—and empty it till the last drop—now you rejoice with your friend on...
The sudden death of a very amiable Grand–Son, has involved myself and family in such deep...
I have received your favour of Feb 1, and a copy of Mr Taylors Arator. Your draught its price,...
I perceive by your Letter of the 7th. that Mr Hay is married to a beautiful little girl, that I...
Yours of the 5th. and 9th are received. My Eyes and my hands forbid every unnecessary Word. I...
My late neighbour Mr Caleb Hayden has presented me in your name some handsome wheat of the growth...
I was nibbling my pen and brushing my Faculties, to write a polite Letter of Thanks to Mr...
I Should have yet delay’d further to answer your favour of the 30th of Jan: accompanying...
I take the liberty of sending you a republication in the pamphlet form, of a series of papers...
As my American Biography will contain sundry genealogical lists, executed with considerable...
If I did not feel “the faintness of declining days” if my eyes could see and my hands be steady;...
Philosophy and Theology being my principal Studies I am ill qualified to correspond with you upon...
I beg you to accept my grateful acknowledgments for the very polite notice you were pleased to...
I have received your favour of the 15th. Inclosed with this Letter you will find “A Treatise on...
Inclosed is an Answer to your Questions, to the best of my Knowledge of a Subject to which I have...
At the very beginning of the last month my new appointment was bestowed upon me, and I was...
At lenght I have been able to peruse Condorcet’s book—It can not be difficult to you, to...
If weak Eyes and weaker fingers had not requird more time to write a Line than was once necessary...
The Hon. Mr. Adams will herewith receive a volume of Col. Taylor’s Enquiry &c. on the Government...
I am very sensible of thy kind condescention, & often hesitate to trouble thee so often with my...
I return you the pamphlets you were so good as to send me with many thanks. I have derived much...
I doubt not Sir, You will be pleased when I tell You that the Evening of my life is smoothed by...
I have recd Condorcet, in good order and your favour of 20th. Ult. Enfields History of...
As I have been, in the course of my life, 200 or 300 times in an “Agony of Embarrassment” I...
Now I hope, you have already perused my Oration—although I have not Seen it yet in print—I doubt...
I have received from Mr. John M Carter, Your “Inquiry,” in 656 Pages, neatly bound. If I had any...
I have received your Inquiry in a large Volume, neatly bound. Though I have not read it in...
It is unnecessary to discuss, the nice distinctions, which follow in the first page of your...
The sun breaks through the skies—I skipt just in the garden—but the soil is yet too wet—to...
You could have sent me no greater treat than the letter of Mr Adams which you were so kind as to...
I believe that none but Helvetius will affirm that all Children are born with equal Genius. None...
That Aristocracies, both ancient and modern have been “variable and artificial” as well as...
After having read, for a fifth time, the elegant letter of Mr. J. Q. Adams, I return it with...
Lest any letter of December the 24th. last, in answer to yours of the 12th. of the same month,...
While I am reading a Letter from you, I almost forget that I have lost my delightfull...
If with blind Eyes and paralytical Hands, I could enfanter des in Folio, like De Wolf, Priestley...
I chearfully interrupt the series of Letters, I was writing to you, to acknowledge the Receipt of...
I regret, that So often I must wearÿ you with mÿ complaints about myself, and yet I must do it,...
This will be handed you by mr Rives a young gentleman of this state and my neighborhood. he is an...
On my return four day ago from Philadelphia where I had been for a fortnight I had the pleasure...
I return you with regret your pamphlet printed in 1776, in the form of a letter to a friend. The...